Help in converting Query

  • Hi Guys,

    I built a query using temp table and recursion to get a report of file details of various databases on a server instance.

    Could anyone please help me in converting this query to set based approach using CTE.

    I need to learn CTEs to avoid use of temp tables. Any help would be appreciated.

    declare @dbname nvarchar(45)

    declare @sql nvarchar(1000)

    declare @db_count table (cnt int identity(1,1), name nvarchar(100))

    declare @ctr int, @var int

    CREATE TABLE #result

    ( id int, name nvarchar(75), physical_name nvarchar(100),

    fgname nvarchar(16), state_desc nvarchar(15), size nvarchar(20),

    max_size nvarchar(20), Growth nvarchar(25))

    set @ctr = 1

    insert into @db_count select name from sys.databases

    select @var = COUNT(*) from @db_count

    while (@ctr <= @var)


    select @dbname = name from @db_count where cnt = @ctr

    set @sql = '

    use ['+@dbname+']

    select df.file_id,,

    df.physical_name, as Filegroup,


    df.size*8/1024 as Size,

    case df.max_size when -1 then ''Unlimited''

    else cast (df.max_size as varchar(25))+ '' MB'' end as Max_Size,

    case df.is_percent_growth when 1 then

    cast(df.growth as varchar(3)) + '' %''

    when 0 then cast (df.growth*8/1024 as varchar(10)) + '' MB''

    end as Growth

    from sys.database_files df left join sys.filegroups fg

    on fg.data_space_id = df.data_space_id '

    --print @sql

    INSERT into #result

    exec sp_executesql @sql

    set @ctr = @ctr + 1


    select * from #result

    drop table #result



  • Instead of using the system table database_files, you can use master_files table which contains data for all the databases.

    select df.file_id,,

    df.physical_name, as Filegroup,


    df.size*8/1024 as Size,

    case df.max_size when -1 then 'Unlimited'

    else cast (df.max_size as varchar(25))+ ' MB' end as Max_Size,

    case df.is_percent_growth when 1 then

    cast(df.growth as varchar(3)) + ' %'

    when 0 then cast (df.growth*8/1024 as varchar(10)) + ' MB'

    end as Growth

    from sys.master_files df left join sys.filegroups fg

    on fg.data_space_id = df.data_space_id


  • I already tried that.

    The results are incorrect. The filegroups are left out if the database has multiple filegroups.

    I need to apply this query using CTE, but a little confused.



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