Help! I cant register a server with Analysis Services

  • Has anyone ever run into the problem where you can log into a SQL Server with Enterprise manager and register a server, but can't register a server with SQL Analysis Services

    A couple of things to consider

    I'm not running in a Microsoft domain environment.

    I am inside the firewall

    One user can successfully register a server from a Windows 2000 workstation, but my account which appears to have more SQL rights gets login failed.

    Ive looked all over the Microsoft site for security considerations but can't find any. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    Your help would sure be appreciated!

  • When you say you have SQL rights, are you refering only to login permissions etc in MSSQL?  FOr AnalysisServices you'll need to tbe in the OLAP Admin group.


  • Hopefully you have found a solution. What I have found in working with AS is as follows:

    1. Make sure you have installe sp3 including the portion specifically for AS.

    2. Make sure your UID is added to the OLAP Admin group on the server where you are using AS.

    3. Related to number 2 above, I believe that you'll need to be authenticated to the domain.  

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