help fro access sql server2000 in LAN NETWORK USING

  • sir 

    i need help to access  sqlserver in network using with

    actually when i m accessing sql server2000 from local machine then it working .but when i m acessing it frim server machine (which has sqlserver )then  it giving error message in is that " SQL Server does not exist or access denied."

    please help me what should i do to make my sql server data to centralised data sothat i can access in with  

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • How is the authentication to sql server set up?

    Windows authentication or sql authentication.

  • What is your connection string? How is it different than local access? Perhaps an incorrect protocol?

  • hiya,

    have a look at the sqlServer conn strings here.Maybe there is one for you:


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