help for data transfer from access db

  • Hello

    i have a function that read access db and move data to web sql server.

    Now the problem come when i try to move more than 1000 rows, the program

    stop to send data and hang.

    I'm using a simple select * from accessTable and insert into sql table.

    Can anyone send some suggestion?


  • You should do it either:

    a) Via a DTS package (it will connect from access to SS2k and port over the data).  This can be scheduled as well is there is a need to run this frequently, or

    b) Via T-SQL code that queries access DB based on linked server pass-through queries and puts the data into the SS2k database.  You can handle complex logic as well in this piece of code.  Look up linked servers in BOL.


  • the access db is in local lan how can i reach by internet? i can run dts package on web server but how can i find the access db?

    Can i connect to access db having only IP address of the server?

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