Help, disassemble date time

  • hi i need some help, need build a SSIS package, in this package is necesary to extract from one excel row 3 diferents fields

    for example for this row [ 4/27/2012 11:46:00 PM - 11:47:00 PM ], we need to disassemble this field.

    I refer get:

    4/27/2012 for one field of the database

    11:46:00 PM for another field of the database,

    11:47:00 PM for the last field of the database

    I mean three diferents fields needs to be extract and insert using SSIS. i really dont have any idea how to do that.

  • You can parse out the pieces of the string you need using the Derived Column Transformation inside a Data Flow Task.

    If you are just beginning with SSIS, take a look at the SSIS Stairway series by Andy Leonard here on SSC.



  • Agree with Rob, but are those separate cells or one cell?

  • [ 4/27/2012 11:46:00 PM - 11:47:00 PM ] is one Cell, but in need use SSIS and introduce to 3 separates fields on my table in the database. Because are 115588 Cells

  • so this is a string. You might look at the substring functions in SSIS and then derive the various parts based on finding the spaces, or dashe.

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