Help: creating named calculation for sorting

  • please help me

    i need to create an Employee attribute (named calculation) that displays employees’ first and last names, but sorts their names by last name and then by first name

    note i use analysis services 2008.

  • Sounds a bit wierd...

    Anyway, in your employee dim view create two columns - one that is Surname, FirstName & one that is FirstName Surname

    Add these to your employee dimension (don't fortget to refresh the DSV) & hide the column you want to use as the sort (properties of the attruibute --> AttributeHierchyVisible --> False). Do you have an employee id? If so I would make that the key of the attrubutes

    In the attribute relationship make your sorting column an attribute of your reporting column.

    In the properties of the reporting column, change the OrderBy property to be AttributeName and OrderByAttribute to be the reporting column


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