Help convert int to varchar function

  • I need to create a function to convert int to varchar.

    input example: 3/12/567/8923/55668

    output: 00003/00012/00567/08923/55668

    Can some expert help me?

  • Is your string supposed to be delimited by "/" or is that just a shortcut you used to represent different records?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • adonetok (2/27/2014)

    I need to create a function to convert int to varchar.

    input example: 3/12/567/8923/55668

    output: 00003/00012/00567/08923/55668

    Can some expert help me?

    If your column name was mcol

    SELECT RIGHT('00000' + CAST(mcol AS VARCHAR(10)), 5) AS NewCol FROM myTable

  • You could create a simple scalar function and call that as needed (or take the code from this to use as well) CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fx_SetStringPadding] (

    @OriginalString varchar(100),

    @PadToLen int,

    @PadChar char(1) = ' ',

    @Direction int


    RETURNS varchar(200)



    D ECLARE @PaddedString Varchar(200)

    D ECLARE @BaseLen int

    SET @BaseLen = LEN(@OriginalString)

    IF @BaseLen >= @PadToLen

    SET @PaddedString = @OriginalString


    IF @Direction = 0

    SET @PaddedString = REPLICATE(@PadChar, @PadToLen - @BaseLen) + @OriginalString


    SET @PaddedString = @OriginalString + REPLICATE(@PadChar, @PadToLen - @BaseLen)

    RETURN @PaddedString


    Example output:

    SELECT dbo.fx_SetStringPadding('3', 5, '0', 0)


    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • MyDoggieJessie (2/27/2014)

    You could create a simple scalar function and call that as needed (or take the code from this to use as well)

    No, don't do that. Scalar functions are terrible for performance. They generate row by row processing, prevent parallelism, create bad plans and if used on where clauses or joins, they reduce the possibility of using indexes.

    An inLine table valued function on the other side could be a good solution. If it's a single integer, you could use djj option. If you have a single string, you could use this:

    DECLARE @String varchar(2000) = '3/12/567/8923/55668'

    SELECT STUFF((SELECT '/' + RIGHT( REPLICATE('0', 5) + Item, 5)

    FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8K( @String, '/')

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')



    Concatenation using FOR XML PATH[/url]

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  • Agreed, scalar function isn't the best application but the main thing I wanted to provide the OP, was some example code to use. Using Jeff's DelimitedSplit8K is a much more efficient approach. Great example!

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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