April 21, 2006 at 8:38 am
Hello, I hope someone can help me with this problem I'm having. I can't seem to post multiple records to my SQL DB. Below is the error and the important parts of the code I'm using in my two pages. This is in ASP VBScript by the way. This has worked in the past so I'm at a loss as to why it's doesn't work now.
Error Message:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E57)
String or binary data would be truncated.
/MySubmitPageExceptionsSQLServerB.asp, line 135
Page 1
Code of Posting Page
'queue up to the top record of the recordset
If Not rs_users.EOF Then rs_users.MoveFirst
'make a temporary variable for user id because the less typing the better
dim t_id, t_idDate
'here I loop through all the records outputting a row for each one
Do Until rs_users.EOF
t_id = rs_users("ClientCode")
t_idDate = Session("ChangeDate")
Start of HTML. Here I'm getting the auto numeber of each record and attaching it using <%=t_id%>. I'll explain why in page 2
<!-- Here is the id for this loop -->
<input type="hidden" name="ua_id" value="<%=t_id%>">
<input type="Hidden" name="txtBoxNumber_<%=t_id%>" value="<%=rs_users("ClientBoxNumber")%>" size="9" maxlength="30">
Page 2
Page the handles the post
'Here I have a function to reduce the number of times we have to type Request.Form and Replace functions
Function CleanInput(strReqName)
CleanInput = Replace(Request.Form(strReqName),"'","''")
End Function
'---------------------------Make a connection to the db--------------------------------------------------------
Dim sql_users,rs_users,cmdDC,t_id,TheMessage, arr_ids
set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=REMITCOCLTVOL; Initial Catalog=Billing;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
sql_users = "SELECT * FROM tblImportedVolume"
Set rs_users = conn.Execute(sql_users)
'Here you can see why I attached the autonumber of each record in page 1. This allows me to us a For Loop to post all the records to the db from page 1.
arr_ids = Split(Request.Form("ua_id"),", ")
'now I loop through each id, build the sql, and execute the sql
Dim id
For Each id in arr_ids
sql_update = "INSERT INTO tblImportedVolume (ClientCode, Correspondence, Unbankables, PostalCards,VolDate, Attempts, Lookups, Returns, ExtractOnly, Shift) VALUES ('" & CleanInput("txtCustomerName_" & id) & _
"','" & CleanInput("txtCorrespondence_" & id) & _
"','" & CleanInput("txtUnbankables_" & id) & _
"','" & CleanInput("txtPostal_" & id) & _
"','" & CleanInput("txtDated_" & id) & _
"','" & CleanInput("txtAttempts_" & id) & _
"','" & CleanInput("txtLookups_" & id) & _
"','" & CleanInput("txtReturns_" & id) & _
"','" & CleanInput("txtExtract_" & id) & _
"','" & CleanInput("txtShifts_" & id) & "');"
'Make it so!
conn.Execute sql_update
April 21, 2006 at 8:43 am
The error message suggests that you are trying to insert data into a column that isn't wide enough to take it. For example, you may be trying to put a 100-character string into a column that is varchar(50).
April 21, 2006 at 8:45 am
The error simply means one of the values you are putting into the table is larger than the column definition.
The pain with this is it doesn't tell you which column was violated. You need to compare length/size of values in to the lenght/size of acceptable values in your table.
April 21, 2006 at 9:01 am
Guys, thank you so much!!!! That is exactly what the problem was!! Thank you again!!
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