Help a Non-SQL Server DBA

  • I come from Oracle DBA background and I know a little about SQL serverand SQL Server EM. In a Production SQL Server  environnmet:1- How do you create a baseline for performance tuning? 2- How do you refresh Dev box from a large Production DB? 3- what's the few main scripts you schedule or use everyday in sybase?4- what's the main commnads to startup, shoudown and check thesql server  DB?5- What's the main sp_ procs you use everyday? 6- How do you find and tune top 10 bad sqls? 7- what's the best forums to post questions and get quick answers? 8- what's the best 3 third party tools for sql server? 
    9- any sybase - oracle equivalent cheat sheet exist in internet orbook?10- what's the top 3 books you recommended?Many thanks for your time and help 
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  • This reply may be too late, but I am new to this site. I answer the question I understand as below:

    1- How do you create a baseline for performance tuning?

    I do not htink SQL Server has anything like STATSPACK to create a baseline for tuning

    3- what's the few main scripts you schedule or use everyday in sybase?

    Backup database and transation log, plus a home made script to report job status every morning

    4- what's the main commnads to startup, shoudown and check thesql server  DB?

    you do not normall start/shutdown SQL Server as you do in Oracle, you can do this in Em or in Window services. you will like it. To check SQL Server status, there are quite a few system stored procedures started as sp_ , and DBCC commands.

    You can look them up in on line help, which can be started from SQL Query Analyzer.

    5- What's the main sp_ procs you use everyday?

    sp_spacedused, sp_who, sp_addlinkedserver

    6- How do you find and tune top 10 bad sqls?

    NetIQ's SQL DiagnotsticManager can help

    7- what's the best forums to post questions and get quick answers?

    Please share with me if you find anything good.

    8- what's the best 3 third party tools for sql server?

    NetIQ DiaganosticManager, Red Gate SQL bundle

    10- what's the top 3 books you recommended?

    I use 'Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DBA Survival Guide' by Mark Spenik and Orryn Sledge.

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