
  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/2/2012)

    You can't scale SQL Server out like this easily. It just isn't done with a RDBMS. Google doesn't use an RDBMS, they use a different type of solution for storing data. They also don't necessarily need the consistency that SQL Server provides.

    If there are 1000 servers at Google, and I connect to Server 1 and search "SQL Server", I might get different results than you get if you connect to Server 500 at the same time and run the same search. That's OK. As long as the results are good enough, that works. The results will be close, but they aren't necessarily the same.

    If we both do the same at our bank, we can't have different results on our accounts if we have moved money. A higher degree of consistency is needed, and RDBMS systems provide this.

    If you need the data to be consistent across all nodes, this is very hard to do. And it can't be done cheap with high volumes of data changes and queries. The data has to be updated somewhere, and then replicated out to other nodes. In SQL Server, replication (merge or peer to peer transactional) is probably the best way to do this, but it will take some coding, and there is overhead on your machines to transfer the data to other nodes and ensure there are no conflicts.


    you are right ,you know ,so if i want to create 2 servers and my servers have different data like google ,but if a query is executed i want to access both servers to get my data?how can i do that?

    baaaaaaaaaaaaaleh!!! (Ehs_Akb)

  • I believe its web application. So you can do load balancing in Application Server. Each node in App Server will point to one database Server ONLY. As you have same data on both the servers and SYNC of data is not an issue, it doesn’t matter which server serves your query. You will get it fast.

    BUT it’s not MPP (or workaround of MPP). It’s a different approach all together.

    PS if it’s an academic project that you want to deliver to University I would say (& appreciate) that you have chosen a very complex (& challenging) project. If it’s something you are planning for commercial purpose (your own Google) then you need serious professional help. IMO you should hire at least one Solutions Architect & one Database Architect.

  • you are right ,you know ,so if i want to create 2 servers and my servers have different data like google ,but if a query is executed i want to access both servers to get my data?how can i do that?

    What does this mean? You have two servers with different data, or the same data? You want the data to be the same after time on both servers. The first thing you need to do is learn to write clearly and state what you results you want to occur.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/4/2012)

    you are right ,you know ,so if i want to create 2 servers and my servers have different data like google ,but if a query is executed i want to access both servers to get my data?how can i do that?

    What does this mean? You have two servers with different data, or the same data? You want the data to be the same after time on both servers. The first thing you need to do is learn to write clearly and state what you results you want to occur.

    From what I gather, he's just looking for the Go Faster button, and is looking for a technology he thinks can do it fast and quick. he pretty much skipped my questions and concerns about tuning amd performance.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Yes ,you are right ,I should first explain what exactly I want ?

    So in this picture we have 3 servers :server1,server4 ,and third server that is connected to the internet(INERNET ACCESS);in this picture you see two networks (mobile network and pc network),mobile network is connected to access point (and servers)with a special application ,and my pc network is connected to servers with web page ,so what I need?

    The primary server is SERVER1 and the information and the data in this server is going to be changed by users and INTERNET SERVER every second.

    Sometimes I have a lot of requests and my SERVER! Is going to be crashed and I want to send my request to SERVER4 .

    I have two questions.

    How can I sync server 1 and 4 ?

    And how can I balance them?

    Thank you.

    the picture isn't very complete

    baaaaaaaaaaaaaleh!!! (Ehs_Akb)

  • Short answer, you can't.

    You can try for some replication to move the data that changes often, but SQL Server doesn't scale out like this and doesn't load balance.

    If you can limit the writers to one server, or ensure that all writes take place on one server, you can do something like Shared Scalable Databases, or a simpler replication.

    The way most companies handle this is buying a bigger Server 1. Or they go to some sort of replication technology, separate readers from writers, and accept that some queries might get slightly out of date information.

  • Active-Active Fail-over clustering can be a solution for your requirement.

  • sharmaamard (1/9/2012)

    Active-Active Fail-over clustering can be a solution for your requirement.

    No, it does not. Active - Active provides two instances working on separate databases that are in no way linked. This is a requirement for the data to be the same in different databases that are both being queried.

  • hi,can we sync the data in both servers with shipping?

    baaaaaaaaaaaaaleh!!! (Ehs_Akb)

  • bijarcity(Ehsan Akbar) (1/11/2012)

    hi,can we sync the data in both servers with shipping?

    What do you mean? Log shipping? You need to be clear with your questions otherwise this becomes very hard to discuss.

    It seems you don't have a grasp on what the various technologies do. I would suggest you read these overviews first, then come back with specific questions on how you might implement something to help your solution. Note that there is not easy, cheap solution with SQL Server.

    Log Shipping/Database Mirroring/Clustering - These are HA technologies, not scale technologies:


    Shared Scalable Databases:

    MongoDB: - A look at how a few other NoSQL databases work. Those might work better for you in cheap scale.

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