Hello. I need a computed field im my view

  • Good Morning

    I need to subtract :

    a.[Vendas Ultimo Ano]-2.STKActual and

    b.[Vendas Ultimo Semestre] -Artigo_2.STKActual in this view.

    cn you help me please?

    SELECT a.artigo,
    b.[vendas ultimo semestre],
    a.[vendas ultimo ano],
    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT dbo.linhasdoc.artigo,
    Sum(dbo.linhasdoc.quantidade) AS [Vendas Ultimo Ano]
    FROM dbo.linhasdoc
    INNER JOIN dbo.artigo
    ON dbo.linhasdoc.artigo = dbo.artigo.artigo
    INNER JOIN dbo.cabecdoc
    ON dbo.linhasdoc.idcabecdoc = dbo.cabecdoc.id
    WHERE ( dbo.linhasdoc.datasaida >= Dateadd(day, -365, Getdate()) )
    AND ( dbo.cabecdoc.tipodoc <> 'fp' )
    AND ( dbo.cabecdoc.tipodoc <> 'gte' )
    AND ( dbo.cabecdoc.tipodoc <> 'con' )
    GROUP BY dbo.linhasdoc.artigo,
    dbo.artigo.familia) AS a
    INNER JOIN dbo.artigo AS Artigo_2
    ON a.artigo = Artigo_2.artigo
    (SELECT DISTINCT LinhasDoc_1.artigo,
    Sum(LinhasDoc_1.quantidade) AS
    [Vendas Ultimo Semestre]
    FROM dbo.linhasdoc AS LinhasDoc_1
    INNER JOIN dbo.artigo AS Artigo_1
    ON LinhasDoc_1.artigo = Artigo_1.artigo
    INNER JOIN dbo.cabecdoc AS CabecDoc_1
    ON LinhasDoc_1.idcabecdoc = CabecDoc_1.id
    WHERE ( LinhasDoc_1.datasaida BETWEEN
    Dateadd(day, -180, Getdate()) AND
    Dateadd(day, -0, Getdate()) )
    AND ( CabecDoc_1.tipodoc <> 'fp' )
    AND ( CabecDoc_1.tipodoc <> 'gte' )
    AND ( CabecDoc_1.tipodoc <> 'con' )
    GROUP BY LinhasDoc_1.artigo,
    Artigo_1.familia) AS b
    ON a.artigo = b.artigo
    AND a.descricao = b.descricao
    AND a.familia = b.familia
  • So what's wrong with putting your subtraction expression in your outer query? Subtraction in T-SQL works like any other language: {Expression} - {Expression}.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • There are a number of issues with the code provided imo.  Minor issues are DISTINCT is not necessary when used in conjunction with GROUP BY and inconsistent or absent table and column aliasing (!).  The major issue afaik is the 2 subqueries are nearly identical but for the date range.  Instead of aggregating twice and then joining the results it seems possible you could conditionally aggregate (aka "pivot") once.  No data so there could be blunders.  Maybe something like this

    select l.artigo, a.descricao, a.familia,
    max(a.unidadebase) AS unidadebase,
    sum(l.quantidade) AS [Vendas Ultimo Ano],
    sum(iif(l.datasaida >= dateadd(day, -180, getdate()), l.quantidade, 0)) AS [Vendas Ultimo Semestre],
    max(a.stkactual) AS stkactual,
    sum(l.quantidade)-max(a.stkactual) [Ano diff],
    sum(iif(l.datasaida >= dateadd(day, -180, getdate()), l.quantidade, 0))-max(a.stkactual) [Semestre diff]
    from dbo.linhasdoc l
    join dbo.artigo a ON l.artigo = a.artigo
    join dbo.cabecdoc ON l.idcabecdoc = c.id
    where l.datasaida >= dateadd(day, -365, getdate())
    and c.tipodoc not in ('fp', 'gte', 'con' )
    group BY l.artigo, a.descricao, a.familia;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Bro ,Thanks a lot for the help. But unfortunately it doesn't work. I need 3 database tables:

    -dbo.linhasdoc where are the sales amounts by product and the sales dates by product.


    where is this product code; description ; date of last sale and current stock


    where are the types of documents, in this case I need only 4 documents: FR-invoice/receipt; FA-invoice; NC-Credit Note and ND-Debit Note.

    This view is to assist in the purchase of merchandise, the one I did works but doesn't do what I need.

    If you can help me I would be very grateful. Thank you very much again

  • Could just be?:

    SELECT a.artigo,
    b.[vendas ultimo semestre],
    a.[vendas ultimo ano],
    a.[Vendas Ultimo Ano] - Artigo_2.STKActual AS new_column_1, --<<--<<--
    b.[Vendas Ultimo Semestre] - Artigo_2.STKActual AS new_column_2 --<<--<<--

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".

  • Thank you very, very much for your patience and attention you had with me.

    Your tip was worth 50 tips that are on the net.

    And unlike many, you understand that, in addition to helping, you are also teaching.

    We are together bro.

    thank you very much again

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