
  • I have a little problem on my join condition, my script is:

    (Case when bo.u_tpfact = 'Utente' then 'U'
    When bo.u_tpfact = 'Convenção' then 'C'
    When bo.u_tpfact = 'Entidade' then 'E'
    When bo.u_tpfact = 'Convenção+Utente' then 'C+U'
    When bo.u_tpfact = 'Convenção+Entidade' then 'C+E'
    END) [Faturar_a],
    Bo.obranome, BO.nome, bo2.identificacao1 [Entidade], BO.tabela1 [Convenção],bii.design [descricaoexame],
    Isnull((SELECT TOP 1 u_vpart FROM cl2 INNER JOIN cl ON cl2.cl2stamp = cl.clstamp WHERE cl.nome = bo2.identificacao1 AND cl.no = bo2.u_entfact ),0.00) [Prct particular],
    Isnull((SELECT TOP 1 u_vconv FROM cl2 INNER JOIN cl ON cl2.cl2stamp = cl.clstamp WHERE cl.nome = bo2.identificacao1 AND cl.no = bo2.u_entfact ),0.00) [Prct Convenção],
    isnull((SELECT TOP 1 u_vsns FROM cl2 INNER JOIN cl ON cl2.cl2stamp = cl.clstamp WHERE cl.nome = bo2.identificacao1 AND cl.no = bo2.u_entfact ),0.00) [Prct SNS],

    /*Valor do Exame*/
    (select sum(ettdeb) from bi where bi.bistamp = bii.bistamp and bi.bistamp = fi.bistamp ) [ValorExame],

    /* Calculo comissões*/
    (CASE WHEN RTRIM(BO.tabela1) <> 'SNS' AND BO.tabela1 <> ''
                    (SELECT top 1 pn.pago FROM fi inner join ft on fi.ftstamp=ft.ftstamp
                    INNER JOIN pn ON pn.fistamp = fi.fistamp
                    where fi.bistamp = bii.bistamp and ft.ndoc in ( 3) ) = 1
                    (SELECT top 1 pn.pago FROM fi inner join ft on fi.ftstamp=ft.ftstamp
                    INNER JOIN pn ON pn.fistamp = fi.fistamp
                    where fi.bistamp = bii.bistamp and ft.ndoc in( 5) ) = 1

            ROUND(Isnull((SELECT TOP 1 u_vconv FROM cl2 INNER JOIN cl ON cl2.cl2stamp = cl.clstamp WHERE cl.nome = bo2.identificacao1 AND cl.no = bo2.u_entfact ),0.00)
            * (select sum(ettdeb) from bi where bi.bistamp = bii.bistamp and bi.bistamp = fi.bistamp ) ,2)

    WHEN RTRIM(BO.tabela1) = 'SNS' AND
                    (SELECT top 1 pn.pago FROM fi inner join ft on fi.ftstamp=ft.ftstamp
                    INNER JOIN pn ON pn.fistamp = fi.fistamp
                    where fi.bistamp = bii.bistamp and ft.ndoc in( 3) ) = 1
                    (SELECT top 1 pn.pago FROM fi inner join ft on fi.ftstamp=ft.ftstamp
                    INNER JOIN pn ON pn.fistamp = fi.fistamp
                    where fi.bistamp = bii.bistamp and ft.ndoc in( 5) ) = 1

            ROUND(Isnull((SELECT TOP 1 u_vsns FROM cl2 INNER JOIN cl ON cl2.cl2stamp = cl.clstamp WHERE cl.nome = bo2.identificacao1 AND cl.no = bo2.u_entfact ),0.00)
            * (select sum(ettdeb) from bi where bi.bistamp = bii.bistamp and bi.bistamp = fi.bistamp ) ,2)

    WHEN RTRIM(BO.tabela1) = '' AND
                    (SELECT top 1 pn.pago FROM fi inner join ft on fi.ftstamp=ft.ftstamp
                    INNER JOIN pn ON pn.fistamp = fi.fistamp
                    where fi.bistamp = bii.bistamp and ft.ndoc in( 5) ) = 1
                    (SELECT top 1 pn.pago FROM fi inner join ft on fi.ftstamp=ft.ftstamp
                    INNER JOIN pn ON pn.fistamp = fi.fistamp
                    where fi.bistamp = bii.bistamp and ft.ndoc in( 3) ) = 1

            ROUND(Isnull((SELECT TOP 1 u_vpart FROM cl2 INNER JOIN cl ON cl2.cl2stamp = cl.clstamp WHERE cl.nome = bo2.identificacao1 AND cl.no = bo2.u_entfact ),0.00)
            * (select sum(ettdeb) from bi where bi.bistamp = bii.bistamp and bi.bistamp = fi.bistamp ) ,2)
    END ), 0.00) [ValorComissao],

    (CASE WHEN (SELECT TOP 1 pn.pago FROM fi inner join ft on fi.ftstamp=ft.ftstamp
    INNER JOIN pn ON pn.fistamp = fi.fistamp
    where fi.bistamp = bii.bistamp and fi.ndoc in (3,5) ) = 1 THEN 'Pago' ELSE 'Pendente' END ) [Situacao],

    (Case when ft.anulado = 1 then 'Anulada' else 'OK' end) [Status Fatura],
    (Case when bo.fechada = 1 then 'Fechado' else 'OK' end) [Status Exame]

        bi bii right JOIN bo ON bii.bostamp = bo.bostamp
        right join bo2 ON bo2.bo2stamp = bo.bostamp
        full outer join fi on bii.bistamp = fi.bistamp
        full outer join ft on fi.ftstamp = ft.ftstamp
        full outer join pn on fi.fistamp = pn.fistamp
        bo.dataobra BETWEEN '20180101' and '20180216'
        AND bo2.identificacao1 LIKE '%'+ '%' + '%'

    And ft.ndoc in (1,2,3,5)

    Group by

        Bo.obranome, BO.nome, bo2.identificacao1 , BO.tabela1,bii.design,
        bo2.u_entfact,bii.bistamp, fi.bistamp, ft.anulado, bo.fechada,bo.u_tpfact

    order by obranome asc

    For Each BO [Header table] i have always lines on my BI [Lines of document], then the first join are correct.
    My problem is whe n i make join on table [FT, FI, PN], because theses tables only have relation on [BO and BI] if i have an invoice.
    I need to return all values from my BO and BI [Tables] even if not exits on tables : FI, PN,FT.
    someone could give me help.

    Best regards,

  • Try changing this
      full outer join fi on bii.bistamp = fi.bistamp
      full outer join ft on fi.ftstamp = ft.ftstamp
      full outer join pn on fi.fistamp = pn.fistamp

    to this
      left join fi on bii.bistamp = fi.bistamp
      left join ft on fi.ftstamp = ft.ftstamp
      left join pn on fi.fistamp = pn.fistamp

  • Hello,
    Thanks for your reply.

    Best regards,

  • Hello,
    The  LEFT  join condition doesn´t have solve the problem. I keep the original query and i have adding UNION ALL changing my Where condition and finally i solve the problem.
    Luis Santos

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