Having an issue wth a bcp string

  • Hi,

    I have been trying to do this for a while now to get this and, and while I have done this before without a problem, somehow I have something wrong; probably a quote or something. now maters what I do the file is not created and I get the following error message each time. "Copy direction must be either 'in', 'out' or 'format'."

    If someone can show me what I am doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you

     set @qry='bcp ''select * from  ##TEMP1 " queryout "\\DELLX2010\c$\Vend\Inter Data\to ID\DMP '''+   CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 112) +'''" +"_BK.txt"  -T -c -t,'
    print @qry
    EXEC xp_cmdshell @qry
  • It looks like you have two single quotes before the select instead of a double quote 😛


  • Change the two single quotes before select and after DMP to a double quote.


  • Thanks that helped a great deal, but now I am having some kind of issue on the other end. Because it now gives :

    "User name not provided, either use -U to provide the user name or use -T for Trusted Connection" So I just tried different quotes but nothing worked, and ideas here?

    Thank you

  • you do need to look at the output of your print command - that will show it what is wrong.

    try the following - removed some of the single quotes on the filename that most likely should not be there.

    and do you really want a filename with a space between DMP and the date portion?

    set @qry='bcp "select * from  ##TEMP1" queryout "\\DELLX2010\c$\Vend\Inter Data\to ID\DMP '+   CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 112) +'_BK.txt"  -T -c -t,'
    print @qry


  • How are you going to connect - with Windows authentication or with a SQL login?  In the former case, use the -T switch; in the latter use -U and -P to specify the login name and the password.  It's all in here.


  • Trusted connection

  • This is what my code now looks like:

         set @qry='bcp "select * from  ##TEMP1 " queryout "\\DELLX2010\c$\Vend\Inter Data\to ID\DMP " "'+   CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SYSDATETIME(), 112) +'''" +"_BK.txt"  -T -c -t,'
    print @qry
    EXEC xp_cmdshell @qry
  • did you bother reading my reply?

  • Sorry, somehow I did not see your reply, maybe I needed to refresh. I will try this now.


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