Have You Checked Out the SQL Server 2008 R2 CTP Yet?

  • We're a pretty small shop and some of our major apps still run on SQL 2000. The developers of those apps don't want to go through the testing to move it when their apps work perfectly fine on 2000. Especially when they have bigger fish to fry from a business perspective. After 2 years of pushing them to move to SQL 2005 they must have finally got sick of me and relented to testing a database upgrade. They then asked if they could just jump to 2008 and that way they could test once and forget about it for another 3 years. We're planning on moving to SQL 2008 SP1 in October with those apps.

    But, our BI team can't wait to get their hands on it -- after the first service pack is released of course πŸ™‚

  • Unix has viruses, you don't hear about them as often. The problem is viruses is not a Microsoft issue, it's an OS issue.

    R2 keeps things moving forward. I'm not sure I'd want it as a Service Pack because then to get patches I'd have to add it, and don't necessarily need it.

    If you're on 2000 still, or 2005, and you are looking to upgrade in 2011, R2 might be what you start looking at, evaluating it, trying to decide if it fits your environment.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (9/3/2009)

    Unix has viruses, you don't hear about them as often. The problem is viruses is not a Microsoft issue, it's an OS issue.

    R2 keeps things moving forward. I'm not sure I'd want it as a Service Pack because then to get patches I'd have to add it, and don't necessarily need it.

    If you're on 2000 still, or 2005, and you are looking to upgrade in 2011, R2 might be what you start looking at, evaluating it, trying to decide if it fits your environment.

    so 2008 R2 is a different release to 2008 and will be on a different upgrade path?


  • I think it's supposed to be SQL Server 10.5, with SQL 10 being SQL Server 2008. It would be an upgrade from SQL 2008, just like Windows 2008 R2 is an upgrade from the base. However it's licensed differently in the upgrade, meaning that some classes of customers get it for free.

  • Created a Map Report Item and analytical/spatial query.

    It is really interesting to see our analytical data plotted on the map in few easy steps.

    One thing though, SSL was turned on by default and the report server did not accept remote unencrypted connection. It forced to use HTTPS. I did not need encrypted connection. I had to turn off the SSL by modifying the ReportServer.config file’s SecureConnectionLevel to β€œ0” from β€œ2”, to display ReportManager Home with folder options in it.

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