Hash on a column in a table

  • I know nothing about hash on a table but I need a lot of help on this. Here what I want to accomplish, I have table that has 15 column one of the columns is ClientID that is about max 45char. I want to be able to hash on the column and return the hash value in a new column call ClientID_Hash. Is this possible? If so can someone please lead me in the right direction.

    Thank you,


  • kbnyny (11/4/2015)

    I know nothing about hash on a table but I need a lot of help on this. Here what I want to accomplish, I have table that has 15 column one of the columns is ClientID that is about max 45char. I want to be able to hash on the column and return the hash value in a new column call ClientID_Hash. Is this possible? If so can someone please lead me in the right direction.

    Thank you,


    It is not at all clear what you are trying to do here. Maybe you want HASHBYTES???


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  • kbnyny (11/4/2015)

    I know nothing about hash on a table but I need a lot of help on this. Here what I want to accomplish, I have table that has 15 column one of the columns is ClientID that is about max 45char. I want to be able to hash on the column and return the hash value in a new column call ClientID_Hash. Is this possible? If so can someone please lead me in the right direction.

    Thank you,


    You're trying to hoe a row with a hammer. There are much better ways to do what you want but, let me ask, why do you think the ClientID column is a problem? Are you experiencing a performance problem or ???

    --Jeff Moden

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