hardcoded into cursor, help plz

  • Hey all,

    I have code that I'm kinda confused to transform into a cursor, make it dynamic I guess.

    I have procedure that goes like that(part of it):

    select @var1 = .... where n.something = 'one'

    select @var2 = .... where n.something = 'two'

    select @var3 = .... where n.something = 'three'

    select @var4 = .... where n.something = 'four'

    if @var1 > 0 begin

    select @subvar11 = .... where z.something = 'one'

    select @subvar12 = ('blablabla ... @var1 ... bla')


    if @var2 > 0 begin

    select @subvar21 = .... where z.something = 'two'

    select @subvar22 = ('blablabla ... @var2 ... bla')


    if @var3 > 0 begin

    select @subvar31 = .... where z.something = 'three'

    select @subvar32 = ('blablabla ... @var3 ... bla')


    if @var4 > 0 begin

    select @subvar41 = .... where z.something = 'four'

    select @subvar42 = ('blablabla ... @var4 ... bla')


    Anyone can help how to put it into loop? (cursor)

  • This link might be usefull to you.

    Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL

    What are you trying to do exactly?

  • var1, var2 and etc - they check for number of notes for users and if they are > 0 - it sends out emails to them. The problem is we will have more groups (n.something = 'group1') and we can't jsut hardcode more and more of them into procedure. So we need something dynamic.

  • Provide

    Schema, Sample Data, Required Results to help us to help you. I don't undersatnd completely what is needed.


  • Dito... you don't need dynamic sql to do that.

  • Sounds like you need a cursor where your SQL statement would be:

    Select n.something, count(*) as Number


    group by n.something

    This will get you all groups that have records you are tyring to match.

    Your processing loop would be something like:



        select @var1=..... where z.something=@something

        (do more logic)


  • So far I am with the others NO CURSOR NEEDED to accomplish that

    * Noel

  • I'll get you to agree with me someday soon, I'd guess .

  • Most of the time I do


    * Noel

  • Ok, how can I use WHILE here? SOrry for my stupidity.

  • You're jumping to conclusion without us answering the question yet, we still need this :

    Schema, Sample Data, Required Results

  • var1, var2, var3 and etc will determine whether email needs to be sent or not.

    so result is to sent email. I use sp_smtp_email for that or something like it.

    sample for one:


    select @var1 = (select COUNT(DISTINCT LogID) AS LogID

     FROM Message_log a

     INNER JOIN GroupMember b ON a.UserName = b.Member

     WHERE Action = 'sent' AND GroupName = 'group1'

     and a.dateEntered in (select max(x.dateEntered)

        from Message_Log x

        where x.logID = a.logid) )

    IF @var1 > 0


       SELECT @Email = Email FROM UserInfo a INNER JOIN Leave_Building b ON a.UserName = b.Supervisor INNER JOIN UserAuthentication c ON a.UserName = c.UserName WHERE b.Name = 'group1' AND c.AccountIsActive = 1

       SELECT @Body = ('blabla ' + @var1 + 'bla')

       exec @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail


       select RC = @rc

       SET @Body = ''


     ELSE PRINT 'Failed to send an Email'


    Oh yeah... forget about first select I had in original message... no need in it - only this 2 parts on top.

  • How will you determine how many variables to declare

    var1, var2 ... varn

    Since you declare the variables already. I don't see a need for a loop to assign values to them.

    Provide Schema, SampleData, ExpectedResult and you will see your answer in next minutes


  • Sorry for bothering everyone =)

    I got it to work =) Using CURSOR =)

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