hard disk crash

  • Hello

    You do not have to remove the 2nd HD if it is working.

    You need only to replace the non working HD.

    The question is which HD broke?? the C drive where XP was installed or the

    other HD.??

    If it was the C drive that had XP on it and you replaced it with a new one

    then you would need to reinstall XP onto that drive but do leave the other

    drive connected.When you hook up your new drive make sure you set the

    jumpers on the back of the drive to master.Leave the 2nd drive connected

    during the XP installation so that it can read the programs on that drive

    and enter the correct parameters in the registry and rebuild the shortcuts

    to start the programs.

    Produit jardinage

  • goriporvalona (10/30/2009)


    You do not have to remove the 2nd HD if it is working.

    You need only to replace the non working HD.

    The question is which HD broke?? the C drive where XP was installed or the

    other HD.??

    If it was the C drive that had XP on it and you replaced it with a new one

    then you would need to reinstall XP onto that drive but do leave the other

    drive connected.When you hook up your new drive make sure you set the

    jumpers on the back of the drive to master.Leave the 2nd drive connected

    during the XP installation so that it can read the programs on that drive

    and enter the correct parameters in the registry and rebuild the shortcuts

    to start the programs.

    Are you asking a question to the forum or answering some one ?

    I am sorry to say I did not understand why have you posted that in the SQL Server 2005 Forum, you clearly indicate its Windows XP multiple times.

    Please help by .....................

    Bru Medishetty

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  • I think, he/she got lost. Maybe trying to reply to a different post and then accidentally typed it here..


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  • That is the second one in two days 😀

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  • I guess these kind replies bcoz of UI in SSC.

    When we reply in SSC, No history of the post will be shown underneath. that some times confuses users when keeps replying threads continuously.

    Like all other emails / forums, SSC should change UI to show up the history of the thread.


  • I think that has been suggested.

  • You can get it to do that by clicking on the + sign, it just should be open by default..


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