Happy Halloween 2008!

  • RML51 (10/31/2008)

    You're thinking of Carmel corn. Regular popcorn is just corn, oil, and salt.

    I think I'm very slowly getting used to US terminology - in the UK it's all just popcorn - sweet or savory

  • A friend of mine in Phoenix held the best Halloween costume parties, I miss them sorely now that I live in New Mexico. One year, at a different house, the year that Ross Perot ran for prez, I went as a politician: double-breasted suit, talking about the economy. I almost won the prize for scariest costume. I think the most recent Halloween party that I attended was my friend's Pirates and Beach Bums party: I wore a poet's shirt, swim trunks, sandals, and my rapier: a pirate on vacation. As I was the only pirate, I got best pirate costume and I also got best costume overall!

    Halloween, for me, is definitely the most wonderful time of the year.

    This year we're doing simple: wife and I going out for dinner and a flic or two, we have a 100 year old theater in town showing a couple of good movies. We're also having a lot of fun in Warcraft (Kilrogg/Alliance) with the Hallow's End festival, fighting the Headless Horseman and throwing weighted jack o'lanterns at people and giving 'em pumpkin heads for an hour. Lots of fun!

    But the best Halloween was the year we got married: we were married in Ohio, all my friends (who are also my wife's friends) are in Phoenix, so we had a Halloween wedding reception/party in Phoenix! It was lots of fun, my wife did Corpse Bride with lots of blue makeup, it's not like she was going to use her wedding gown again. :hehe:

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • Happy Halloween to everyone

    Happy Birthday to myself 😀

    SQLServerNewbieMCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • Congrats, Jerry! My dad is a Christmas baby and my parents were married on the 4th of July, but being a Halloween baby would be very cool! (if you were as twisted as me) 😀

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • Happy Birthday Jerry,

    Have a gr8 day

    "It takes 15 minutes to learn the game and a lifetime to master"
    "Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality."

  • Jerry

    Have a great Halloween birthday....

  • budbeth (10/31/2008)

    If it were caramel corn, yes, it'd have the sugar.

    But I gave "Movie Theater Butter" flavored.

    OK, so instead of dental issues, maybe I'm promoting future heart problems....

    I think the kids love the novelty of getting something besides candy.

    Not to mention diverticulitis from the unpopped part of the husk.

  • Ben Moorhouse (10/31/2008)

    RML51 (10/31/2008)

    You're thinking of Carmel corn. Regular popcorn is just corn, oil, and salt.

    I think I'm very slowly getting used to US terminology - in the UK it's all just popcorn - sweet or savory

    We have the same problem when we go to Great Britain. I asked for lemonaid and got what tasted like 7 Up - it seems you call "lemon smash" what we call lemonaid.

  • Jerry Hung (10/31/2008)

    Happy Halloween to everyone

    Happy Birthday to myself 😀

    Happy Birthday!

    (My sister shares this day as her birthday.)

  • jpowers (10/31/2008)

    budbeth (10/31/2008)

    If it were caramel corn, yes, it'd have the sugar.

    But I gave "Movie Theater Butter" flavored.

    OK, so instead of dental issues, maybe I'm promoting future heart problems....

    I think the kids love the novelty of getting something besides candy.

    Not to mention diverticulitis from the unpopped part of the husk.

    Now they say that popcorn, nut, seeds are actually good for preventing diverticulitis... http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/DDW/5702

  • Once upon a database there was a scary database owner.

    One day the database owner created lots of tables full of sweets.

    The following day an Index tried to scan some of the tables for sweets for a specific child based on there parents

    When the Index viewed the sweets they got scared cause they noticed the table had (nolock) on it.

    As a result the sweets were dirty and of no use to the Parent or child or the Index.

    The Index sent a message to the Big bad Database owner and to thier horror the database owner removed all the indexes from database and droped all the tables for ever and ever

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

    Posting Best Practices[/url]
    Numbers / Tally Tables[/url]

  • And here I wanted to talk about the blooper reel. 🙂 Good ones.

    As a former broadcaster I have some suggestions. Since it's tape when you go up go all the way up. Yell at the camera, throw things, scream foul words, jump up and storm out of the room. It does not get the work done but makes a better blooper reel. 😛

    Make a poster (8 1/2 x 11) with one word. NOW. Bold black font. Draw a red circle around it and a red slash. It's sort of like the "No Left Turn" road signs. Hang this right below the camera lens. Oh,wait. That's where your teleprompter is, right? The above the lens. After a while your temptation to say "now" all the time will go away. After that is concurred move on to your next trite phrase.

    It's good to post these from time to time. Our friend who used to host "I want that: Kitchens" used to periodically put outtakes at the end of the shows. Her best line, IMHO, on a hot day was, "I'm not sweating. I'm just dewy."

    ATBCharles Kincaid

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