Happy Birthday

  • What I'd really like for my birthday is to be able to get any movie, broadcast, or syndicated show any time I want, on any machine or viewing device I want, running any operating system I want, and have it all centrally piped into my home via coax or internet, without the need for extra wires, tuner boxes, or CableCards on every device - and with a nice user interface that I can navigate using any standard remote.

  • DBANot (9/12/2008)

    My birthday is on September 11, now known as 911. I wish I could turn back time and have 911 be just September 11 again.

    You are not alone in that wish.

  • ... or even a Porche 911.

  • How timely, my bday is coming up next month.

    Technically I have my bday present already: a pot shaped like a bell pepper, intended to be used at a chili coookoff that has since been cancelled. 🙁

    But if I can dream a bit: Bring my long-distance bf over so I can give him a hug.

  • 9/11 is my birthday. My thoughts and prayers were directed toward those who lost loved ones in 2001, and toward those who have sacrificed and are sacrificing themselves for the freedom of our country and the world.

    I attended the funeral of a well-loved friend. He was generous, loving, caring person who had personally invested into many lives. It caused me to realize that the thing I want most is to be someone like him, whom others remember because I showed them that I care for them.

    Each of my children called me and/or sent a text message to wish me a Happy Birthday. My dad called also. My wife remembered my day with a funny card and some new clothes. One son took me out to lunch. One son's fiance mailed me a card since she is traveling.

    I don't think my birthday could have been any better.

    Hope yours is great as well!

  • Ralph Hightower (9/12/2008)

    Happy Birthday Steve.

    Umm, what would I want for my birthday?

    I would like a fully functional PDP-11, preferably a PDP-11/45 or a PDP-11/70; one of the first computers that I started programming on. I just checked OpenBSD; drats! OpenBSD is not supported on the PDP-11 platform.

    Ah, for the good old days, when real computers had lots of blinking lights...

    You might be able to find one. I was surprised to find operational IBM-1130[/url] computers

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • A Les Paul silverburst! what a sweet guitar that is!

  • Pre-HDB, Steve! (and everyone else who has one coming up, which is everybody if you stretch the time frame to the next 364 days.) 😀

    I have a Nintendo DS Lite in my backpack, if not in my pocket, at all times. You never know when time for a Sudoku game might appear. I gave one to my wife for Valentine's Day this year, great story, but no need to relate it here.

    When I lived in Phoenix, I always took my birthday off (Beethoven's Birthday and the Boston Tea Party share it with me). There's a movie theater chain there called Harkins, and they used to give you a free movie on your birthday. So I'd plot out my path the night before, I could usually see three movies in one day. They also had some screamin' deals: you could buy a t-shirt annually and you'd get a free medium popcorn when you wore it, they also had a drink cup (again, annual purchase) that gave you $1 sodas.

    I have heard, sadly, that they no longer do the free movies, but they still have the t-shirt and cup.

    I don't need much, a good sushi dinner with my wife and calls or emails from my friends is enough.

    (I'd love one of these[/url], but it would probably just gather dust like my bamboo shakuhachi)

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • Charles Kincaid (9/12/2008)

    Ralph Hightower (9/12/2008)

    Happy Birthday Steve.

    Umm, what would I want for my birthday?

    I would like a fully functional PDP-11, preferably a PDP-11/45 or a PDP-11/70; one of the first computers that I started programming on. I just checked OpenBSD; drats! OpenBSD is not supported on the PDP-11 platform.

    Ah, for the good old days, when real computers had lots of blinking lights...

    You might be able to find one. I was surprised to find operational IBM-1130[/url] computers

    (I keep a 1982 Cromemco catalog on my bookshelf and a TRS-80 Model 100 at my wife's house in the mountains, just to keep the young whippersnappers in line) 😛

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • My fantasy best gift would be a 10-day trip to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro (seriously, but it is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE!)

    Realistically, I don't want anyone to buy me things - I have enough stuff, and if I need something (mostly to replace something I've totally worn out), I'd rather pick it out myself. But I LOVE hand-made things, from a child's card to a batch of chocolate-chip cookies.

    That said, I got a dream gift from my family when I turned 50.... As a child, I had always wanted to learn to play the violin, but never told my parents, because it wasn't taught at the school I attended. I made sure my children got to learn instruments, and drove them to lessons for years (piano, sax, clarinet). For my 50th, my family bought me a violin! (My first thought was they shouldn't have, but then the feelings of a childhood dream come true completely overwhelmed me!)

  • Best wishes on the 41st.

    What would I want? - Next May I turn 60 and my wife is talking about taking a short trip north to the Straights of Juan De Fuca and see the Killer Whales. I have lived in Washington for almost all my life and have never seen one. I look forward to it.

    Again Happy Birthday!


    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!

  • Happy Birthday Steve!

    Mine is next Monday, the 15th, and I'm only telling you lot. I avoid them. Diabetics don't get cake and ice cream. At my age the amount of candles constitutes a public fire hazard. I once lined them up in parallel rows at a night party in the back yard. Off course pilots kept trying to land.

    What do I want? I want a Wicks[/url] and the house I would need to put it in. I can't play, no talent at all. What do I really want? I can't say that here! As Emeril Lagasse would say, "I'm keeping it G."

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • Birthdays mean different things for different people. I have obfuscated my birthday for so long, so well, that most people that know me, my closest friends (even of 20+ years), even much of my family, have no idea when it actually is. I don't like receiving gifts, it makes me feel uncomfortable. If I didn't work for it then I don't feel I deserve it.

    That said, happy birthday Steve, and anybody else who celebrates their birthday today, or any other day!

  • I would like my son's mother to stop messing him up so much. I'd like to spend more time with him, but then that's his wish as well. Maybe we can get a two-for-one.

    Everything else is a very distant second (or I guess, third).

  • As an FYI, I got a Kindle two weeks ago and have been blogging a bit on it. The latest is here, a two week review:http://blogs.sqlservercentral.com/steve_jones/archive/2008/09/12/kindle-the-two-week-followup.aspx

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