Happy 4th of July

  • Yes indeed - I'm in denial...unfortunately the madness extends to Egypt as well for I just read that the diplomat captured yesterday may have been killed....

    The scary part about all this madness is that it has all only just begun (full scale after 9/11) and I don't see an end in sight...anytime soon....

    well - I promised myself not to talk about this for there's so much to say but so little that one can do....onwards ho to ostrich mode...

    ps:"When danger reared its ugly head, Sir Robin bravely turned & fled..." - maybe I have a lot of BraveSirRobin in me too....?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • How very kind of you. did you know that sing a song of six pence was a protest poem.


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