Handshake Error. Why now? What happened?

  • so i sit down this morning, and open my Enterprise Manager to connect to

    my servers as usual, and BANG!! Get the following error:

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]Encryption not supported on SQL Server

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (PreLoginHandshake()).

    Why do I get this all of the sudden?



  • Had this once and we were on the way to bouncing the server so never had to investigate since it went right after the bounce




  • well this in particular is on my client work station. get this... i installed

    sql on my workstation right, and when i went to register the local instance

    i got this error.

    this is stupid, crazy-dumb! i don't get it.


  • Can you run cliconfg.exe to check if the "Force protocol encryption" option is checked ??

  • yes. it is enabled actually. should i uncheck this option?

    i have to wonder... why is this a problem now. has it always been

    enabled by default?


  • by the way... is it really this simple to resolve? just to uncheck

    the encryption option?


  • Yes, try to uncheck this option. By default this option is unchecked.

  • hmm... thats wierd. i never checked it to begin with, but now i know.

    many many thanks! this was driving me crazy.



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