June 19, 2009 at 11:50 pm
Steve Jones - Editor (6/19/2009)
What about a hybrid GUID/sequential system? It is easy to generate a GUID on the client, let the GUID move to the database and then when it's inserted into a table, allow a sequential system to be generated on the database. You can keep the GUID and always relate that back to the sales system.
Hey Steve,
Yep, GUIDs are another valid design choice - and they can be made to work well with this sort of requirement. NEWSEQUENTIALID or COMBs can help alleviate some of the issues normally associated with using GUIDs.
Maybe I should say, for the record, that I am not a particular proponent of using sequence tables. My point is that each of these approaches (IDENTITY, sequence table, GUIDs) have pros and cons. None of them is a panacea, and the best choice depends the details of the requirements (as always).
Sequence tables get a bad rap; unfairly so in many cases.
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