Hacking the Report Server Database

  • Hi,

    Not sure if anyone has any advice here. I'm doing data driven subscriptions without enterprise edition and I've hacked together something to dynamically change the email address and report parameter on the fly then kick off the subscription in a while loop.

    I've tested this a few times with 10 iterations and it seems to be pretty stable - we want to do it live with 75 iterations once a week, I've put a 10 second delay between calls to keep things relatively calm....

    Obvs this is unsupported, but does it strike anyone immediately that this is a really dumb idea?

    CREATE Procedure [SSRSAdmin].[AutomatedSupplierReport]


    --Initialise Variables

    DECLARE @countloop INT

    DECLARE @stoploop INT

    DECLARE @email VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @supplier VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @oldmail VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @jobid VARCHAR(40)

    DECLARE @subsid VARCHAR(40)

    --Both the subscription id and the job id can change outside of your control, the only thing you have control over is the report name.

    --Therefore derive the job and subscription ids from the report name.

    --Do not change the report name. All you gotta do is not change it, then things keep working, see? That is all.

    SET @subsid = (SELECT


    FROM [ReportServer].dbo.Subscriptions

    INNER JOIN [ReportServer].dbo.ReportSchedule

    ON [ReportServer].dbo.ReportSchedule.SubscriptionID = [ReportServer].dbo.Subscriptions.SubscriptionID

    INNER JOIN [ReportServer].dbo.Schedule

    ON [ReportServer].dbo.ReportSchedule.ScheduleID = [ReportServer].dbo.Schedule.ScheduleID

    INNER JOIN [ReportServer].dbo.Catalog

    ON [ReportServer].dbo.ReportSchedule.ReportID = Catalog.ItemID

    AND [ReportServer].dbo.Subscriptions.Report_OID = Catalog.ItemID

    WHERE Catalog.name = 'Expected Receipts')

    SET @jobid = (SELECT

    [ReportServer].dbo.Schedule.ScheduleID AS JobID

    FROM [ReportServer].dbo.Subscriptions

    INNER JOIN [ReportServer].dbo.ReportSchedule

    ON [ReportServer].dbo.ReportSchedule.SubscriptionID = [ReportServer].dbo.Subscriptions.SubscriptionID

    INNER JOIN [ReportServer].dbo.Schedule

    ON [ReportServer].dbo.ReportSchedule.ScheduleID = [ReportServer].dbo.Schedule.ScheduleID

    INNER JOIN [ReportServer].dbo.Catalog

    ON [ReportServer].dbo.ReportSchedule.ReportID = Catalog.ItemID

    AND [ReportServer].dbo.Subscriptions.Report_OID = Catalog.ItemID

    WHERE Catalog.name = 'Expected Receipts')

    SET @countloop = (SELECT min(ID) from BI.dbo.EmailTest)

    SET @stoploop = (SELECT max(ID) from BI.dbo.EmailTest)

    SET @email = (SELECT SupplierEmail from BI.dbo.EmailTest where ID = @countloop)

    SET @supplier = (SELECT Supplier from BI.dbo.EmailTest where ID = @countloop)

    SET @oldmail = 'richard.gardner@email.com'

    WHILE (@countloop <= @stoploop)


    UPDATE Subscriptions

    set Parameters=

    '<ParameterValues><ParameterValue><Name>Supplier</Name><Value>' + @supplier + '</Value></ParameterValue></ParameterValues>'

    , ExtensionSettings = CONVERT(NTEXT,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),ExtensionSettings),@oldmail,@email))

    FROM ReportServer.dbo.Subscriptions

    WHERE SubscriptionID = @subsid

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @jobid

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'

    --post doing stuff

    SET @oldmail = @email

    SET @countloop = @countloop + 1

    SET @email = (SELECT SupplierEmail from BI.dbo.EmailTest where ID = @countloop)

    SET @supplier = (SELECT Supplier from BI.dbo.EmailTest where ID = @countloop)


    --reinitialise for the next run, as long as the set statement for @oldmail matches the one here it doesn't matter who's email it is

    UPDATE Subscriptions

    set ExtensionSettings = CONVERT(NTEXT,REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),ExtensionSettings),@oldmail,'richard.gardner@email.com'))

    FROM ReportServer.dbo.Subscriptions

    WHERE SubscriptionID = @subsid

  • richard.gardner 6009 (10/11/2016)

    Obvs this is unsupported, but does it strike anyone immediately that this is a really dumb idea?

    As long as it works, you should be fine. Things get compicated when it stops working: from that moment on you're on your own, which you could be fine with or not.

    I have done unsupported things as well with the reporting services database. You just have to know exactly what you're doing. I don't see anything harmful in your code, it just seems to update email addresses.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Yes, that was kinda my thinking, thanks for the reassurance. I suppose it might be worth putting the update inside a transaction in case the database flakes out mid flow.

  • My only 2 cents is "is 10 seconds long enough?"

    I do "data driven subscription" myself, using standard, however, sometimes my reports take a little more than 10 seconds. If you start a subscription again (after changing its parameters) before the prior has finished, the old subscription will be overwritten and won't complete. I therefore had to add a check to see if the report had completed, and loop out if it waits too long.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • That's quite useful Thom, could I ask what you're looking at to do that check? I was assuming that lifting the parameters would occur prior to the report being rendered, but I guess it might be picking up the email address after rendering so I do run the risk of sending it to the wrong recipient (?)

  • richard.gardner 6009 (10/11/2016)

    That's quite useful Thom, could I ask what you're looking at to do that check? I was assuming that lifting the parameters would occur prior to the report being rendered, but I guess it might be picking up the email address after rendering so I do run the risk of sending it to the wrong recipient (?)

    All the parameters/recipients/etc are stored in that subscriptions run, so if you amend any of these while a subscription is running it won't effect it.

    There's a table, ExecutionLogStorage, which has a Status field. rsSuccess represents that the execution was successful. You'll need to make use of the catalog table in a join as well to get your subscription.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Alternatively you can call a report from Powershell and feed it parameters then send the resulting file by email using Powershell commands. This gives you the ability to change the results and get better control over the content of the email. I do this for a client.

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