HA solution for regular new/updated SQL object roll outs

  • What are my options for a high availability system that alows regular roll outs of schema changes. I am looking for an HA solution that allows hot fixing of SQL objects rather than just a fail over.

    Example hot fixes might include new tables or altered tables and possibly the SPs to update/insert from these tables. I need to be able to roll out these updates with minimal or zero down time. All suggestions welcome.



  • All forms of high availability allow schema changes. The only option that has any sort of limitation on schema changes is replication.

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  • So mirroring and log shipping will allow me to run schema updates on the secondary or slave DBs whilst the transactional replication will continue feeding the uneffected tables?


  • Jules Bonnot (5/4/2009)

    So mirroring and log shipping will allow me to run schema updates on the secondary or slave DBs whilst the transactional replication will continue feeding the uneffected tables?

    If you run mirroring or log shipping, there's no need to run schema updates on the standby instances; that will be done automatically.

  • David my point is to use the fail over as a place to roll out changes before switching the secondary to be the master. So avoiding the load on the live. Ya get me?


  • Jules Bonnot (5/4/2009)

    David my point is to use the fail over as a place to roll out changes before switching the secondary to be the master. So avoiding the load on the live. Ya get me?

    If that's your goal, then mirroring and log-shipping are not going to work for you. You'd be better off looking at some type of replication to keep the data up to date, and manually applying the DDL scripts to your secondary server.

  • Jules Bonnot (5/4/2009)

    David my point is to use the fail over as a place to roll out changes before switching the secondary to be the master. So avoiding the load on the live. Ya get me?

    No, how could you use your secondary server to roll out changes no that's not possible!!?......The basic concept itself of maintaining HA to replicate the changes to the secondary server.

  • Krishna is correct. No form of high availability allows you to modify the schema on the secondary/offline database. There is a very limited amount of changes you can do with replication, but replicated tables should be modified on the publisher first.

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  • ok so for a big roll out the options are take the live box down for a while or run the scripts on live and hope the testers did their jobs properly? I was hoping i could run them on a warm standby and bring that live if it looked like everything had worked ok.


  • I would think you would want to roll the changes out to a "QA" or "Staging" environment first.

  • Jules Bonnot (5/4/2009)

    ok so for a big roll out the options are take the live box down for a while or run the scripts on live and hope the testers did their jobs properly? I was hoping i could run them on a warm standby and bring that live if it looked like everything had worked ok.

    I would recommend that you create a QA environment, where you can apply these types of scripts; your testers would then run their tests against that environment. Once everyone is satisfied, then run those same scripts against your production database.

  • yes abnd what technology would you recommend for keeping the staging enviromment in sync with the production enviromment?


  • Backup and restore is the most commonly used technology. Backup production, restore it to staging/QA, run your scripts/rollout process, and test. If all looks okay, repeat the rollout in production.

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  • of course but this would mean losing the transaction since the back up was taken. It doesnt sound like there is an elegant way of achieveing what i am trying to.


  • What do you mean by "losing the transaction"? If you mean that it won't be getting hit with live data, that is correct and no there is no elegant way to do it.

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