groups as rows, no indent

  • Hi, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction...

    I have a template that I have to follow, with a matrix tablix, with several groups that have parent-child relationship. everything would be fine but the children groups have an indent of a pixel or so relative to their parent group.

    I tried to change properties of indent to 0pt, resize, change visibility of colums that stand in the way, delete them (obviously that would delete my groups, so... nope).

    What do I do? The report has to look like its ssrs 2005 version, and it doesn't coz I can't get rid of that indent that is due to the parent's group.

    I use VS 2008 BI with sql 2008.

  • If you can't get the indent to go away, then why not try the opposite and indent the parent group to line up with the child below it?

  • Nope, it doesn't really like me... Let me clarify that I did not set any Indent in properties. What I'm talking about is the child group that was created with the header has an extra white space in front of it and I cannot align it to its parent. Having 2 child groups to that one parent (parent, chaild, hidden grandchild, grandchild) creates quite a gap. 🙁

  • I think the property you are looking for is "padding". There are left, right, top, and bottom possibilities and I think with every successive group it adds another 2pt. If you change the left padding properties to 0 you should be okay.

  • Thanks for reply however it did not work. All paddings, left, right, even top and down are 0pt.

    It still looks like this :

    (dots are in place of empty spaces)


    | parent group


    .. | child group


    ... |..| grandchild (hidden) + great grandchild


    Edit: Never mind. It's fixed.

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