Grouping Records

  • An example to illustrate my problem.

    I want to group records based on Warehouse.  There are 4 (NY, TX, WA, NV)

    SQL Statement returns 8 records

    SELECT * FROM Items

    SKU  |  Status  |  Date  |  Warehouse

    111111  |  Sale  |  1/1/2006  |  NY

    111111  |  Sale  |  1/1/2006  |  TX

    111111  |  Sale  |  1/1/2006  |  WA

    111111  |  Sale  |  1/1/2006  |  NV

    222222  |  Reg  |  2/2/2006  |  NY

    222222  |  Reg  |  2/2/2006  |  TX

    333333  |  Sale  |  3/3/2006  |  NY

    333333  |  Sale  |  4/1/2006  |  NY

    Instead I would rather have this returned:

    111111  |  Sale  |  1/1/2006  |  ALL

    222222  |  Reg  |  2/2/2006  |  NY, TX

    333333  |  Sale  |  3/3/2006  |  NY

    333333  |  Sale  |  4/1/2006  |  NY

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

  • -- prepare test data

    declare @test-2 table (SKU int, Status varchar(4), dt datetime, Warehouse varchar(2))

    insert @test-2

    select 111111, 'Sale', '1/1/2006', 'NY' union all

    select 111111, 'Sale', '1/1/2006', 'TX' union all

    select 111111, 'Sale', '1/1/2006', 'WA' union all

    select 111111, 'Sale', '1/1/2006', 'NV' union all

    select 222222, 'Reg', '2/2/2006', 'NY' union all

    select 222222, 'Reg', '2/2/2006', 'TX' union all

    select 333333, 'Sale', '3/3/2006', 'NY' union all

    select 333333, 'Sale', '4/1/2006', 'NY'

    -- Do the work!

    declare @output table (id int identity(0,1), SKU int, Status varchar(4), dt datetime, Warehouses varchar(10))

    declare @id int,

            @items int,

            @SKU int,

            @status varchar(4),

            @dt datetime,

            @Warehouses varchar(10)

    insert @output (SKU, Status, dt)

    select distinct sku,



    from            @test-2  -- Change to Items table

    order by        sku,



    select @id = max(id)

    from   @output

    while @id >= 0


            select @sku = sku,

                   @status = status,

                   @dt = dt,

                   @warehouses = '',

                   @items = 0

            from   @output

            where  id = @id

            select @warehouses = case when @warehouses <> '' then @warehouses + ', ' else '' end + warehouse,

                   @items = @items + 1

            from   (

                       select   distinct top 100 percent warehouse

                       from     @test-2  -- Change to Items table

                       where    sku = @sku

                                and status = @status

                                and dt = @dt

                       order by warehouse

                   ) z

            update @output

            set    warehouses = case when @items = 4 then 'ALL' else @warehouses end

            where  id = @id

            select @id = @id - 1


    select sku,




    from   @output

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Or you could utilize a function

    CREATE  FUNCTION dbo.udf_warehouse (@SKU int, @status varchar(4), @Date datetime)

    RETURNS varchar(100)



        DECLARE @result varchar(100)

        SELECT @result = COALESCE(@result+',','') + Warehouse

        FROM Items

        WHERE SKU = @SKU

        AND Status = @status

        AND [Date] = @Date

        ORDER BY Warehouse

        RETURN @result


    SELECT SKU, Status, [Date],

    CASE WHEN COUNT(*)=4 THEN 'ALL' ELSE dbo.udf_warehouse(SKU, Status, [Date]) END

    FROM Items

    GROUP BY SKU, Status, [Date]

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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