July 31, 2018 at 4:35 pm
Good day all,
Please i need help in grouping my result based on the current item inside a comma separated loop. The current item is seen as a varchar hence group by is complaining that its an aggregated value.
Below is my code:
declare @s-2 varchar(2000), @Selection varchar(50)
set @s-2 = 'Question1,Question2,Question3,Question4,Question5_2'
while len(@S) > 0
--print left(@S, charindex(',', @s-2+',')-1)
set @Selection = left(@S, charindex(',', @s-2+',')-1);
with cte as (
select 1 as Base, InterviewerName,RetailerName,StoreName,Address,Phone,Email,Gender,MaritalStatus,Location,MordernTrade,NeighborhoodStore,OpenMarket,Question1,Question2,Question3,Question4,Question5_2
select PhoneNumber, QuestionName, AnswerValue
from SingleAnswers where year(questiondate) = year(GetDate()) and phonenumber like '%grocery%'
) z
for QuestionName in (InterviewerName,RetailerName,StoreName,Address,Phone,Email,Gender,MaritalStatus,Location,MordernTrade,NeighborhoodStore,OpenMarket,Question1,Question2,Question3,Question4,Question5_2)
) piv
select 'All' as Selection, 'Base' as Criteria, sum(Base) as Base,
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Female',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Single',
SUM(case when not(MaritalStatus in ('Married','Single')) or MaritalStatus is null then Base Else 0 End) as 'Others',
SUM(case when Location = 'Lagos' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Lagos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Ibadan' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Ibadan',
SUM(case when Location = 'Port Harcourt' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Port Harcourt',
SUM(case when Location = 'Enugu' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Enugu',
SUM(case when Location = 'Abuja' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Abuja',
SUM(case when Location = 'Jos' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Jos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Kano' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Kano',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Key Account Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Key Account Store',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Independent Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Independent Store',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade A' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade A',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade B' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade B',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade C' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade C',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Kiosk' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Kiosk',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Store',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Table Top' then Base Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Table Top',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'Wholesale' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Wholesale'
from cte
union all
Select @Selection as Selection,
(Select distinct Column_name = @Selection from cte) as Criteria,
Sum(Base) as Base,
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Female',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Single',
SUM(case when not(MaritalStatus in ('Married','Single')) or MaritalStatus is null then Base Else 0 End) as 'Others',
SUM(case when Location = 'Lagos' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Lagos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Ibadan' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Ibadan',
SUM(case when Location = 'Port Harcourt' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Port Harcourt',
SUM(case when Location = 'Enugu' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Enugu',
SUM(case when Location = 'Abuja' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Abuja',
SUM(case when Location = 'Jos' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Jos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Kano' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Kano',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Key Account Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Key Account Store',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Independent Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Independent Store',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade A' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade A',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade B' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade B',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade C' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade C',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Kiosk' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Kiosk',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Store',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Table Top' then Base Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Table Top',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'Wholesale' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Wholesale'
from cte
group by (Select distinct Column_name = @Selection from cte)
set @s-2 = stuff(@S, 1, charindex(',', @s-2+','), '')
Thanks for your help
July 31, 2018 at 5:31 pm
timotech - Tuesday, July 31, 2018 4:35 PMGood day all,
Please i need help in grouping my result based on the current item inside a comma separated loop. The current item is seen as a varchar hence group by is complaining that its an aggregated value.
Below is my code:
declare @s-2 varchar(2000), @Selection varchar(50)set @s-2 = 'Question1,Question2,Question3,Question4,Question5_2'
while len(@S) > 0
--print left(@S, charindex(',', @s-2+',')-1)
set @Selection = left(@S, charindex(',', @s-2+',')-1);with cte as (
select 1 as Base, InterviewerName,RetailerName,StoreName,Address,Phone,Email,Gender,MaritalStatus,Location,MordernTrade,NeighborhoodStore,OpenMarket,Question1,Question2,Question3,Question4,Question5_2
select PhoneNumber, QuestionName, AnswerValue
from SingleAnswers where year(questiondate) = year(GetDate()) and phonenumber like '%grocery%'
) z
for QuestionName in (InterviewerName,RetailerName,StoreName,Address,Phone,Email,Gender,MaritalStatus,Location,MordernTrade,NeighborhoodStore,OpenMarket,Question1,Question2,Question3,Question4,Question5_2)
) piv
select 'All' as Selection, 'Base' as Criteria, sum(Base) as Base,
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Female',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Single',
SUM(case when not(MaritalStatus in ('Married','Single')) or MaritalStatus is null then Base Else 0 End) as 'Others',
SUM(case when Location = 'Lagos' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Lagos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Ibadan' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Ibadan',
SUM(case when Location = 'Port Harcourt' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Port Harcourt',
SUM(case when Location = 'Enugu' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Enugu',
SUM(case when Location = 'Abuja' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Abuja',
SUM(case when Location = 'Jos' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Jos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Kano' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Kano',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Key Account Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Key Account Store',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Independent Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Independent Store',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade A' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade A',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade B' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade B',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade C' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade C',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Kiosk' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Kiosk',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Store',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Table Top' then Base Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Table Top',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'Wholesale' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Wholesale'
from cte
union all
Select @Selection as Selection,
(Select distinct Column_name = @Selection from cte) as Criteria,
Sum(Base) as Base,
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Female',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Single',
SUM(case when not(MaritalStatus in ('Married','Single')) or MaritalStatus is null then Base Else 0 End) as 'Others',
SUM(case when Location = 'Lagos' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Lagos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Ibadan' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Ibadan',
SUM(case when Location = 'Port Harcourt' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Port Harcourt',
SUM(case when Location = 'Enugu' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Enugu',
SUM(case when Location = 'Abuja' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Abuja',
SUM(case when Location = 'Jos' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Jos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Kano' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Kano',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Key Account Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Key Account Store',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Independent Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Independent Store',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade A' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade A',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade B' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade B',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade C' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Grade C',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Kiosk' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Kiosk',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Store' then Base Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Store',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Table Top' then Base Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Table Top',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'Wholesale' then Base Else 0 End) as 'Wholesale'
from cte
group by (Select distinct Column_name = @Selection from cte)Thanks for your help
I have to write cursors at times but this is a little confusing. Not having any of the tables or sample data for the tables to run this against to see what it is currently doing makes it more difficult. Also, a cursory exam makes we wonder if the code is even syntactically correct.
If you could post the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for the table(s) involved, some sample data for the table(s) (INSERT INTO statements) and expected results based on the sample data you will get much better answers.
July 31, 2018 at 5:57 pm
Lynn Pettis - Tuesday, July 31, 2018 5:31 PMI have to write cursors at times but this is a little confusing. Not having any of the tables or sample data for the tables to run this against to see what it is currently doing makes it more difficult. Also, a cursory exam makes we wonder if the code is even syntactically correct.
If you could post the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for the table(s) involved, some sample data for the table(s) (INSERT INTO statements) and expected results based on the sample data you will get much better answers.
Please check sample data below, Thanks
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SingleAnswers]( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [PhoneNumber] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [QuestionName] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [Answer] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [AnswerValue] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [QuestionDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO GO |
July 31, 2018 at 9:16 pm
Are you trying to do something like this?
with pivotAnswers As
Max(InterviewerName) As InterviewerName,
Max(RetailerName) As RetailerName,
Max(StoreName) As StoreName,
Max(Address) As Address,
Max(Phone) As Phone,
Max(Email) As Email,
Max(Gender) As Gender,
Max(MaritalStatus) As MaritalStatus,
Max(Location) As Location,
Max(MordernTrade) As MordernTrade,
Max(NeighborhoodStore) As NeighborhoodStore,
Max(OpenMarket) As OpenMarket,
Max(Question1) As Question1,
Max(Question2) As Question2,
Max(Question3) As Question3,
Max(Question4) As Question4,
Max(Question5_2) As Question5_2
select PhoneNumber, QuestionName, AnswerValue
from SingleAnswers
where year(questiondate) = year(GetDate()) and phonenumber like '%grocery%'
) SA
for QuestionName in (InterviewerName,RetailerName,StoreName,Address,Phone,Email,Gender,MaritalStatus,Location,MordernTrade,NeighborhoodStore,OpenMarket,Question1,Question2,Question3,Question4,Question5_2)
) piv
group by
,unpivotQuestions As
Select PhoneNumber,Selection, Criteria, InterviewerName,RetailerName,StoreName,Address,Phone,Email,Gender,MaritalStatus,Location,MordernTrade,NeighborhoodStore,OpenMarket
from pivotAnswers
Cross Apply (Values('All','All'),('Question1',Question1),('Question2',Question2),('Question3',Question3),('Question4',Question4),('Question5_2',Question5_2)) As U(Selection, Criteria)
Count(*) As Base,
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Female',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Single',
SUM(case when not(MaritalStatus in ('Married','Single')) or MaritalStatus is null then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Others',
SUM(case when Location = 'Lagos' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Lagos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Ibadan' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Ibadan',
SUM(case when Location = 'Port Harcourt' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Port Harcourt',
SUM(case when Location = 'Enugu' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Enugu',
SUM(case when Location = 'Abuja' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Abuja',
SUM(case when Location = 'Jos' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Jos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Kano' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Kano',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Key Account Store' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Key Account Store',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Independent Store' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Independent Store',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade A' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Grade A',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade B' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Grade B',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade C' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Grade C',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Kiosk' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Kiosk',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Store' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Store',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Table Top' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Table Top',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'Wholesale' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Wholesale'
From unpivotQuestions
group by
July 31, 2018 at 9:35 pm
with sourceRows As
Declare @Questions VarChar(Max) = 'Question1,Question3,Question4';
select PhoneNumber, QuestionName, AnswerValue
from SingleAnswers
where year(questiondate) = year(GetDate()) and phonenumber like '%grocery%'
selections As
SS.value As Selection,
SR.AnswerValue As Criteria
from sourceRows SR
join string_split(@questions, ',') SS On SR.QuestionName = SS.value
pivotAnswers As
Max(InterviewerName) As InterviewerName,
Max(RetailerName) As RetailerName,
Max(StoreName) As StoreName,
Max(Address) As Address,
Max(Phone) As Phone,
Max(Email) As Email,
Max(Gender) As Gender,
Max(MaritalStatus) As MaritalStatus,
Max(Location) As Location,
Max(MordernTrade) As MordernTrade,
Max(NeighborhoodStore) As NeighborhoodStore,
Max(OpenMarket) As OpenMarket,
Max(Question1) As Question1,
Max(Question2) As Question2,
Max(Question3) As Question3,
Max(Question4) As Question4,
Max(Question5_2) As Question5_2
from sourceRows
for QuestionName in
) piv
group by
unpivotQuestions As
Select PhoneNumber,Selection, Criteria,
from pivotAnswers
Cross Apply
Select 'All' As Selection, 'All' As Criteria
Union All Select Selection, Criteria From selections
) X
Count(*) As Base,
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Female',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Single',
SUM(case when not(MaritalStatus in ('Married','Single')) or MaritalStatus is null then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Others',
SUM(case when Location = 'Lagos' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Lagos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Ibadan' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Ibadan',
SUM(case when Location = 'Port Harcourt' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Port Harcourt',
SUM(case when Location = 'Enugu' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Enugu',
SUM(case when Location = 'Abuja' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Abuja',
SUM(case when Location = 'Jos' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Jos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Kano' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Kano',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Key Account Store' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Key Account Store',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Independent Store' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Independent Store',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade A' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Grade A',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade B' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Grade B',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade C' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Grade C',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Kiosk' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Kiosk',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Store' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Store',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Table Top' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Table Top',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'Wholesale' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Wholesale'
From unpivotQuestions
group by
August 1, 2018 at 1:42 am
andycadley - Tuesday, July 31, 2018 9:16 PMAre you trying to do something like this?
Thanks Andy, that is what i want to do, the first code works well, but i would prefer the second solution, because this code
Declare @Questions VarChar(Max) = 'Question1,Question3,Question4';
actually contains this number of strings and more, i just shortened it. About approximately 150 columns, because its a long survey
Declare @Questions VarChar(Max) ='Question1,Question2,Question3,Question4,Question5_2,Question5_4,Question5_11,Question6a,Question6b,Question7a,Question7b,Question8a,Question8b,Question9a,Question9b,Question10_2,Question10_7,Question11_2,Question11_4,Question12,Question13a,Question13b,Question13c,Question13d,Question13e_2,Question13e_4,Question14,Question15_3,Question15_6,Question15_12,Question16,Question17a,Question17b,Question17c_2,Question17c_3,Question17c_7,Question18a_4,Question18a_7,Question18a_9,Question18b_4,Question18b_12,Question18c_2,Question18c_4,Question19,Question20,Question21a,Question21b,Question22,Question23a_2,Question23a_4,Question23b_4,Question23b_10,Question23c_2,Question23c_3,Question24,Question25,Question26_2,Question26_5,Question27_2,Question27_4,Question28,Question29a,Question29b'
but its bringing this error: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Invalid object name 'string_split'.
It occurs here
selections As
SS.value As Selection,
SR.AnswerValue As Criteria
from sourceRows SR
join string_split(@questions, ',') SS On SR.QuestionName = SS.value
August 1, 2018 at 4:33 am
Hi Andy,
I've been able to resolve the string_split issue, but the computation of the second solution is giving me above the total base on each column
Please help look into it. But the first solution is working just fine
I would prefer the second solution because it allows me to just paste all the parameter strings
August 1, 2018 at 1:51 pm
Debugging my own code and assuming I'm understanding what you mean by "base", I think this might do it
with sourceRows As
Declare @Questions VarChar(Max) = 'Question1,Question3,Question4';
select PhoneNumber, QuestionName, AnswerValue
from SingleAnswers
where year(questiondate) = year(GetDate()) and phonenumber like '%grocery%'
selections As
SS.value As Selection,
SR.AnswerValue As Criteria
from sourceRows SR
join string_split(@questions, ',') SS On SR.QuestionName = SS.value
pivotAnswers As
Max(InterviewerName) As InterviewerName,
Max(RetailerName) As RetailerName,
Max(StoreName) As StoreName,
Max(Address) As Address,
Max(Phone) As Phone,
Max(Email) As Email,
Max(Gender) As Gender,
Max(MaritalStatus) As MaritalStatus,
Max(Location) As Location,
Max(MordernTrade) As MordernTrade,
Max(NeighborhoodStore) As NeighborhoodStore,
Max(OpenMarket) As OpenMarket
from sourceRows
for QuestionName in
(InterviewerName, RetailerName, StoreName, Address, Phone, Email, Gender, MaritalStatus, Location, MordernTrade, NeighborhoodStore, OpenMarket)
) piv
group by
unpivotQuestions As
Select PhoneNumber,Selection, Criteria, InterviewerName, RetailerName, StoreName, Address, Phone, Email, Gender, MaritalStatus, Location,
MordernTrade, NeighborhoodStore, OpenMarket
from pivotAnswers PA
Cross Apply
Select 'All' As Selection, 'All' As Criteria
Select Selection, Criteria From selections S Where S.PhoneNumber = PA.PhoneNumber
) X
Count(*) As Base,
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Female',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Single',
SUM(case when not(MaritalStatus in ('Married','Single')) or MaritalStatus is null then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Others',
SUM(case when Location = 'Lagos' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Lagos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Ibadan' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Ibadan',
SUM(case when Location = 'Port Harcourt' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Port Harcourt',
SUM(case when Location = 'Enugu' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Enugu',
SUM(case when Location = 'Abuja' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Abuja',
SUM(case when Location = 'Jos' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Jos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Kano' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Kano',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Key Account Store' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Key Account Store',
SUM(case when MordernTrade = 'Independent Store' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Independent Store',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade A' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Grade A',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade B' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Grade B',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Grade C' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Grade C',
SUM(case when NeighborhoodStore = 'Kiosk' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Kiosk',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Store' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Store',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'General Grocery Table Top' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'General Grocery Table Top',
SUM(case when OpenMarket = 'Wholesale' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Wholesale'
From unpivotQuestions
group by
August 1, 2018 at 3:54 pm
andycadley - Wednesday, August 1, 2018 1:51 PMYeah, string_split is a 2017 thing but should be easily replaceable with your favourite string splitting function.Debugging my own code and assuming I'm understanding what you mean by "base", I think this might do it
Wow Andy, you are the man. Thanks a lot, it works like a charm, you have solved my 5 days headache.
I really appreciate your help
Thanks and God bless you.
August 10, 2018 at 1:12 pm
Hi andy thanks a lot for your previous help, but i'm having another challenge with same code after some modifications
I want to find percentages for the generated result, but my challenge is that based on the data, some of the grouped analysis will add up to 100 percent i.e vertically, but some of them will not, i don't know what could be causing the error, may be its my calculation. Please check my code below and some sample data:
Declare @Questions VarChar(Max) = 'Gender,MaritalStatus,Location,Question1,Question2,Question3a,Question3b,Question3c,Question4,Question5a,Question5b,Question5c,Question6a,Question6b,Question6c,Question6d,Question7a,Question7b,Question8a,Question8b,Question9a,Question9b,Question9c,Question10,Question11a,Question11b,Question11c,Question11d,Question11e,Question12a,Question12b,Question13,Question14,Question15a,Question15b,Question15c,Question16a,Question16b,Question16c,Question17,Question18,Question19,Question20a,Question20b,Question21a,Question21b,Question22a,Question22b,Question23a,Question23b,Question24a,Question24b,Question24c,Question25,Question26,Question27,Question28a,Question28b,Question29a,Question29b,Question30,Question31,Question32,Question33a,Question33b,Question34,Question35a,Question35b,Question35c,Question35d,Question36';
with sourceRows As
select PhoneNumber, QuestionName, AnswerValue
from SingleAnswers
where year(questiondate) = year(GetDate()) and phonenumber like '%wholesale%'
selections As
SS.value As Selection,
SR.AnswerValue As Criteria
from sourceRows SR
join string_split(@questions, ',') SS On SR.QuestionName = SS.value
pivotAnswers As
select Count(*) as Base,
Max(InterviewerName) As InterviewerName,
Max(RetailerName) As RetailerName,
Max(StoreName) As StoreName,
Max(Address) As Address,
Max(Phone) As Phone,
Max(Email) As Email,
Max(Gender) As Gender,
Max(MaritalStatus) As MaritalStatus,
Max(Location) As Location
from sourceRows
for QuestionName in
(InterviewerName, RetailerName, StoreName, Address, Phone, Email, Gender, MaritalStatus, Location)
) piv
group by
unpivotQuestions As
Select Base, PhoneNumber,Selection, Criteria, InterviewerName, RetailerName, StoreName, Address, Phone, Email, Gender, MaritalStatus, Location
from pivotAnswers PA
Cross Apply
Select 'All' As Selection, 'All' As Criteria
Select Selection, Criteria From selections S Where S.PhoneNumber = PA.PhoneNumber
) X
cte as (
cast(Selection as nvarchar(150)) as Selection,
'All Respondents' as Criteria,
Heading = isnull(cast((Select distinct Question from tbl_Questions where QuestionDescription = Selection and SurveyType = 3) as nvarchar(550)), ''),
Count(*) As Base,
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Female',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Single',
SUM(case when not(MaritalStatus in ('Married','Single')) or MaritalStatus is null then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Others',
SUM(case when Location = 'Lagos' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Lagos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Ibadan' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Ibadan',
SUM(case when Location = 'Port Harcourt' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Port Harcourt',
SUM(case when Location = 'Enugu' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Enugu',
SUM(case when Location = 'Abuja' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Abuja',
SUM(case when Location = 'Jos' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Jos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Kano' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Kano'
From unpivotQuestions
group by Selection
union all
cast(Selection as nvarchar(150)) as Selection,
cast(Criteria as nvarchar(500)) as Criteria,
Heading = isnull(cast((Select distinct Question from tbl_Questions where QuestionDescription = Selection and SurveyType = 3) as nvarchar(550)), ''),
cast(round(Male * 100.0/(select SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers),0) as numeric(5,0)) Male,
cast(round(Female * 100.0/(select SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers),0) as numeric(5,0)) Female,
cast(round(Married * 100.0/(select SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers),0) as numeric(5,0)) Married,
cast(round(Single * 100.0/(select SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers),0) as numeric(5,0)) Single,
isnull(cast(round(Others * 100.0/Nullif((select SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Others' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers), 0),0) as numeric(5,0)),0) Others,
cast(round(Lagos * 100.0/(select SUM(case when Location = 'Lagos' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers),0) as numeric(5,0)) Lagos,
cast(round(Ibadan * 100.0/(select SUM(case when Location = 'Ibadan' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers),0) as numeric(5,0)) Ibadan,
isnull(cast(round([Port Harcourt] * 100.0/Nullif((select SUM(case when Location = 'Port Harcourt' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers), 0),0) as numeric(5,0)),0) [Port Harcourt]
cast(round(Enugu * 100.0/(select SUM(case when Location = 'Enugu' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers),0) as numeric(5,0)) Enugu,
cast(round(Abuja * 100.0/(select SUM(case when Location = 'Abuja' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers),0) as numeric(5,0)) Abuja,
cast(round(Jos * 100.0/(select SUM(case when Location = 'Jos' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers),0) as numeric(5,0)) Jos,
cast(round(Kano * 100.0/(select SUM(case when Location = 'Kano' then Base Else 0 End) from pivotAnswers),0) as numeric(5,0)) Kano
from (
select Selection, Criteria,
count(*) as Base,
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Female',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Single',
SUM(case when not(MaritalStatus in ('Married','Single')) or MaritalStatus is null then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Others',
SUM(case when Location = 'Lagos' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Lagos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Ibadan' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Ibadan',
SUM(case when Location = 'Port Harcourt' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Port Harcourt',
SUM(case when Location = 'Enugu' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Enugu',
SUM(case when Location = 'Abuja' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Abuja',
SUM(case when Location = 'Jos' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Jos',
SUM(case when Location = 'Kano' then 1 Else 0 End) as 'Kano'
From unpivotQuestions
group by
) as t
select * from cte
order by Selection,case Criteria when 'All Respondents' then 1 else 2 end
Sample Data:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].SingleAnswers(
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[PhoneNumber] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[QuestionName] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Answer] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[AnswerValue] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[QuestionDate] [datetime] NOT NULL
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ON
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44726, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'InterviewerName', N'Abubakar S Jibril', N'Abubakar S Jibril', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:12.193' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44727, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'RetailerName', N'Yahaya Abubakar', N'Yahaya Abubakar', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:14.973' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44728, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'StoreName', N'Yahaya Store', N'Yahaya Store', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:14.973' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44729, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Address', N'No PBH 17/9 sabon gari market kano', N'No PBH 17/9 sabon gari market kano', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:14.973' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44730, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Phone', N'08166704800', N'08166704800', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:14.973' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44731, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Email', N'None', N'None', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:14.973' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44732, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Gender', N'1', N'Male', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:14.990' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44733, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'MaritalStatus', N'2', N'Single', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:14.990' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44734, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Location', N'7', N'Kano', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:14.990' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44735, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Wholesale', N'1', N'WholeSale', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:14.990' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44742, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question1', N'6', N'16yrs – 20yrs', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:56.710' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44743, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question2', N'6', N'16yrs – 20yrs', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:56.740' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44744, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question3a', N'1', N'MD/Owner', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:56.740' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44745, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question3b', N'6', N'16yrs – 20yrs', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:56.757' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44746, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question3c', N'3', N'Secondary', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:02:56.757' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44818, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question4', N'11', N'Shoes', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:05:05.257' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44819, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question5a', N'1', N'Yes, I am registered.', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:05:05.257' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44820, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question5b', N'11', N'Shoes', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:05:20.380' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44835, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question6a', N'1', N'Through company reps', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:07:11.927' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44836, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question6b', N'company', N'company', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:07:11.927' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44837, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question6c', N'4', N'I price to win my incentives base on assigned targets', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:07:11.927' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44838, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question6d', N'2', N'I sell at cost price but depend on incentives', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:07:11.927' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44839, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question7a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:07:19.927' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44845, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question8a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:08:01.443' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44993, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question9a', N'5', N'If the product I am selling is no longer yielding profit', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:16:56.413' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44994, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question9b', N'I will like to continue with this business', N'I will like to continue with this business', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:16:56.427' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44995, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question9c', N'I can switch to nestle product', N'I can switch to nestle product', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:16:56.427' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (44996, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question10', N'5', N'Between N2.1 Million – N5Million', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:17:15.193' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45002, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question11a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:17:21.117' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45003, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question11d', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:17:32.460' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45033, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question12a', N'1', N'Considering increasing', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:19:07.163' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45034, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question12b', N'sometime sell be low the price ', N'sometime sell be low the price ', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:19:07.163' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45035, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question13', N'3', N'Between N2Million to N5 Million', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:19:38.663' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45036, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question14', N'11', N'shoes', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:19:38.663' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45037, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question15a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:19:38.663' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45049, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question16a', N'11', N'shoes', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:21:14.710' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45050, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question16b', N'10', N'Unilever Products', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:21:14.723' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45051, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question16c', N'11', N'shoes', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:21:14.723' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45062, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question17', N'1', N'The manager', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:21:48.973' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45063, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question18', N'1', N'Between 2 to 5 staff', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:21:48.973' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45064, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question19', N'3', N'No plan to increase or reduce staff', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:21:48.973' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45065, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question22a', N'1', N'Yes, we have theft issue', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:21:55.617' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45066, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question22b', N'5', N'Use wisdom to talk to them/advise them.', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:22:18.617' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45067, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question23a', N'1', N'Yes', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:22:29.817' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45068, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question23a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:22:39.537' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45079, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question24a', N'1', N'Morning (7am -10am)', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:23:10.913' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45080, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question24b', N'1', N'Monday', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:23:10.913' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45081, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question24c', N'1', N'1st week of the month', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:23:10.927' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45082, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question25', N'', N'', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:23:10.927' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45084, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question26', N'2', N'We are on rent', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:23:26.053' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45085, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question27', N'3', N'We will get a bigger space', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:23:26.053' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45091, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question28a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:23:41.520' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45105, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question29a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:23:54.100' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45156, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question33a', N'11', N'shoes', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:25:11.990' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45157, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question33b', N'11', N'None', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:25:11.990' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45158, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question34', N'2', N'We give gifts at the end of the year', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:25:11.990' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45164, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question35a', N'4', N'Customer loyalty programs', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:25:38.520' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45165, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question35b', N'1', N'Free Sample', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:25:38.520' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45166, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question35c', N'2', N'Gift with Purchase', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:25:38.520' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45258, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question35d', N'Add more vitamin ', N'Add more vitamin ', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:32:04.710' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (45259, N'08166704800 WholesaleSurvey7/25/2018 8:02:11 PM', N'Question36', N'1', N'Give us credit facility', CAST(N'2018-07-25T20:32:04.710' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49068, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'InterviewerName', N'Osigwe chiamaka', N'Osigwe chiamaka', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:13:56.487' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49069, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'RetailerName', N' Mr Sunny', N' Mr Sunny', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:14:00.673' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49070, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'StoreName', N'Sunnytex Enterprise ', N'Sunnytex Enterprise ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:14:00.767' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49071, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Address', N'Lube zone 9', N'Lube zone 9', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:14:00.783' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49072, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Phone', N'08179466418', N'08179466418', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:14:00.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49073, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Email', N'Sunnytex @yahoo mail. Com', N'Sunnytex @yahoo mail. Com', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:14:00.970' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49074, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Gender', N'1', N'Male', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:14:01.017' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49075, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'MaritalStatus', N'2', N'Single', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:14:01.033' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49076, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Location', N'5', N'Abuja', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:14:01.050' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49077, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Wholesale', N'1', N'WholeSale', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:14:01.127' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49083, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question1', N'3', N'3yrs – 4 yrs.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:15:53.690' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49084, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question2', N'3', N'3yrs – 4 yrs.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:15:53.690' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49085, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question3a', N'Brother ', N'Other (Specify)----------', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:15:53.690' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49086, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question3b', N'3', N'3yrs – 4 yrs.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:15:53.690' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49087, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question3c', N'3', N'Secondary', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:15:53.690' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49089, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question4', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:17:03.877' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49090, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question4', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:17:03.877' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49091, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question4', N'5', N'UAC products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:17:03.893' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49092, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question4', N'6', N'Coca-Cola Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:17:03.893' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49093, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question4', N'7', N'PZ products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:17:03.893' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49094, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question4', N'8', N'Cowbell/Promasidor', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:17:03.893' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49095, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question4', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:17:03.910' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49096, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question4', N'10', N'Unilever Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:17:03.910' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49097, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question5a', N'1', N'Yes, I am registered.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:17:03.910' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49129, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question5b', N'2', N'Nestle', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:19:08.970' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49130, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question5b', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:19:08.970' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49131, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question5b', N'10', N'Unilever', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:19:08.970' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49152, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question6a', N'1', N'Through company reps', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:21:36.690' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49153, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question6b', N'Call the reps', N'Call the reps', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:21:36.690' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49154, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question6c', N'1', N'I add certain percentage', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:21:36.690' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49155, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question6d', N'After all expenses are made', N'Other (specify)', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:21:36.690' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49156, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question7a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:21:48.160' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49157, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question8a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:22:24.457' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49170, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question9a', N'3', N'If it will generate more profit', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:24:59.237' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49171, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question9b', N'Just this business for now', N'Just this business for now', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:24:59.253' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49172, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question9c', N'None ', N'None ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:24:59.253' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49173, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question10', N'3', N'Between N500,001 – N1 Million', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:25:25.580' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49174, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question11a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:25:53.300' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49175, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question11d', N'1', N'Yes', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:26:20.080' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49176, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question11e_2', N'2', N'Accessibility to retailers from within and outside the country', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:26:47.783' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49177, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question12a', N'1', N'Considering increasing', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:27:57.517' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49178, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question12b', N'Because there is no more space to contain goods', N'Because there is no more space to contain goods', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:27:57.533' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49198, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question13', N'2', N'Between N501,000 to N2Million', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:30:00.673' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49199, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question14', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:30:00.767' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49200, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question14', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:30:01.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49201, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question14', N'6', N'Coca-Cola Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:30:01.017' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49202, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question14', N'8', N'Cowbell/Promasidor', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:30:01.017' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49203, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question14', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:30:01.173' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49204, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question14', N'10', N'Unilever Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:30:01.253' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49205, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question15a', N'1', N'Yes', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:30:01.423' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49225, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question15b', N'Coco pops,vivi detergent, nutri-yo', N'Coco pops,vivi detergent, nutri-yo', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:32:57.160' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49226, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question15c', N'1', N'Customers ask for it/it is moving now', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:32:57.160' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49227, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question15d', N'1', N'Yes', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:32:57.160' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49228, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16a', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.517' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49229, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16a', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.533' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49230, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16a', N'6', N'Coca-Cola Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.533' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49231, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16a', N'7', N'PZ products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.533' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49232, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16a', N'8', N'Cowbell/Promasidor', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.550' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49233, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16a', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.550' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49234, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16a', N'10', N'Unilever Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.550' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49235, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16b', N'11', N'None', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.550' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49236, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16c', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.550' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49237, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16c', N'8', N'Cowbell/Promasidor', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.567' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49238, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16c', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.567' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49239, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question16c', N'10', N'Unilever Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:34:56.567' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49250, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question17', N'6', N'Other family member', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:35:28.050' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49251, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question18', N'1', N'Between 2 to 5 staff', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:35:28.067' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49252, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question19', N'1', N'We have plans to increase staff', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:35:28.067' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49253, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question20a', N'3', N'Because the business is growing', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:36:45.317' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49254, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question20a', N'4', N'In order to meet customers’ demands', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:36:45.330' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49255, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question20b', N'4', N'When things improve', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:36:45.330' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49256, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question22a', N'1', N'Yes, we have theft issue', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:36:57.767' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49262, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question22b', N'6', N'I added more protectors to the shop so they won’t be able to gain access', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:37:26.957' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49278, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question23a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:37:44.923' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49299, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question24a', N'1', N'Morning (7am -10am)', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:39:12.830' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49300, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question24a', N'6', N'Evening (6.01pm – 8.00pm).', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:39:12.893' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49301, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question24b', N'1', N'Monday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:39:12.957' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49302, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question24b', N'2', N'Tuesday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:39:12.987' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49303, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question24b', N'3', N'Wednesday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:39:13.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49304, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question24b', N'4', N'Thursday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:39:13.017' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49305, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question24b', N'5', N'Friday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:39:13.080' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49306, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question24b', N'6', N'Saturday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:39:13.097' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49307, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question24c', N'5', N'Any week of the month', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:39:13.097' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49308, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question25', N'4', N'Between 100 – 200', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:39:13.097' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49311, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question26', N'2', N'We are on rent', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:40:12.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49312, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question27', N'5', N'No plan for now. To maintain this outlet.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:40:12.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49313, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question28a', N'1', N'Yes', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:40:41.830' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49356, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question28b', N'Lucozade Boost, peak milk', N'Lucozade Boost, peak milk', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:42:03.877' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49372, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question29a', N'1', N'Yes', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:42:15.893' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49488, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question29b', N'Try to reduce price of products', N'Try to reduce price of products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:45:37.347' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49489, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question30', N'1', N'We give our customers the best service', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:45:37.363' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49490, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question30', N'3', N'We reduce prices for customers', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:45:37.363' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49491, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question30', N'4', N'Products are available at all times/We have varieties of products for sale', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:45:37.363' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49492, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question30', N'5', N'The shop is located where people live', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:45:37.363' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49493, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question30', N'6', N'My shop is accessible and not inside the market; so, people pass here frequently', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:45:37.377' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49494, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question30', N'9', N'Our products are of good quality', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:45:37.377' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49495, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question31', N'2', N'Electricity challenge', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:45:37.393' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49496, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question32', N'2', N'Money to expand the business', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:45:37.393' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49536, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question33a', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:46:54.457' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49537, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question33a', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:46:54.457' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49538, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question33a', N'6', N'Coca-Cola Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:46:54.457' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49539, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question33a', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:46:54.470' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49540, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question33a', N'10', N'Unilever Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:46:54.470' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49541, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question33b', N'11', N'None', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:46:54.470' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49542, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question34', N'2', N'We give gifts at the end of the year', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:46:54.470' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49575, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question35a', N'2', N'Gift with Purchase', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:48:03.940' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49576, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question35a', N'5', N'Buy one get one free', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:48:03.940' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49577, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question35b', N'5', N'Buy one get one free', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:48:03.957' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49578, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question35c', N'1', N'Free Sample', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:48:03.957' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49579, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question35c', N'5', N'Buy one get one free', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:48:03.970' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49596, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question35d', N'Start up promo n adverts ', N'Start up promo n adverts ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:49:25.127' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49597, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question36', N'3', N'Give us trade incentives', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:49:25.127' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (49598, N'08179466418 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 12:13:56 PM', N'Question36', N'4', N'Introduce new likeable products and/or pack sizes', CAST(N'2018-07-26T12:49:25.127' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (50479, N'08036259004 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 1:12:33 PM', N'InterviewerName', N'Ruth Olajide', N'Ruth Olajide', CAST(N'2018-07-26T13:12:33.253' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (50480, N'08036259004 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 1:12:33 PM', N'RetailerName', N'Haruna Abubakar Tijjani', N'Haruna Abubakar Tijjani', CAST(N'2018-07-26T13:12:33.253' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (50481, N'08036259004 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 1:12:33 PM', N'StoreName', N'Jenny''s super store', N'Jenny''s super store', CAST(N'2018-07-26T13:12:33.253' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (50482, N'08036259004 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 1:12:33 PM', N'Address', N'Royce line, sabon gari, Kano', N'Royce line, sabon gari, Kano', CAST(N'2018-07-26T13:12:33.267' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (50483, N'08036259004 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 1:12:33 PM', N'Phone', N'08036259004', N'08036259004', CAST(N'2018-07-26T13:12:33.267' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (50484, N'08036259004 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 1:12:33 PM', N'Email', N'Nil', N'Nil', CAST(N'2018-07-26T13:12:33.267' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (50485, N'08036259004 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 1:12:33 PM', N'Gender', N'1', N'Male', CAST(N'2018-07-26T13:12:33.267' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (50486, N'08036259004 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 1:12:33 PM', N'MaritalStatus', N'1', N'Married', CAST(N'2018-07-26T13:12:33.267' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (50487, N'08036259004 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 1:12:33 PM', N'Location', N'7', N'Kano', CAST(N'2018-07-26T13:12:33.283' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (50488, N'08036259004 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 1:12:33 PM', N'Wholesale', N'1', N'WholeSale', CAST(N'2018-07-26T13:12:33.283' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60661, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'InterviewerName', N'Osigwe chiamaka', N'Osigwe chiamaka', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:22:21.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60662, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'RetailerName', N'Ugwuanyi ifeanyi', N'Ugwuanyi ifeanyi', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:22:21.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60663, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'StoreName', N'Nwaonyeke shop ', N'Nwaonyeke shop ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:22:21.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60664, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Address', N'Lugbe Zone 2 ', N'Lugbe Zone 2 ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:22:21.017' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60665, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Phone', N'08036094081', N'08036094081', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:22:21.017' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60666, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Email', N'N/A', N'N/A', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:22:21.017' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60667, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Gender', N'1', N'Male', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:22:21.017' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60668, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'MaritalStatus', N'2', N'Single', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:22:21.033' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60669, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Location', N'5', N'Abuja', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:22:21.033' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60670, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Wholesale', N'1', N'WholeSale', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:22:21.033' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60671, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question1', N'3', N'3yrs – 4 yrs.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:23:53.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60672, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question2', N'4', N'5yrs – 10 yrs.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:23:53.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60673, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question3a', N'2', N'Manager', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:23:53.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60674, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question3b', N'2', N'1yr – 2 yrs.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:23:53.817' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60675, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question3c', N'3', N'Secondary', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:23:53.817' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60678, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question4', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:26:12.737' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60679, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question4', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:26:12.737' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60680, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question4', N'3', N'Friesland (Peak) Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:26:12.737' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60681, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question4', N'4', N'P & G products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:26:12.753' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60682, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question4', N'5', N'UAC products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:26:12.753' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60683, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question4', N'6', N'Coca-Cola Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:26:12.767' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60684, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question4', N'7', N'PZ products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:26:12.783' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60685, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question4', N'8', N'Cowbell/Promasidor', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:26:12.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60686, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question4', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:26:12.817' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60687, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question4', N'10', N'Unilever Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:26:12.830' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60688, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question5a', N'2', N'No, I am not registered.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:26:12.847' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60689, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question5c', N'7', N'Shop gutted by fire 4yrs ago so we still coming up', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:27:58.207' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60690, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question6a', N'3', N'From other open market sources', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:30:43.987' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60691, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question6b', N'I go to the market and buy', N'I go to the market and buy', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:30:44.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60692, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question6c', N'5', N'I follow company recommended prices', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:30:44.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60693, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question6d', N'1', N'I depend on the margins from the manufacturer', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:30:44.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60694, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question7a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:30:58.847' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60695, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question8a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:31:08.267' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60696, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question9a', N'4', N'If price is more reasonable', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:33:05.220' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60697, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question9b', N'Electronics and motor spare part', N'Electronics and motor spare part', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:33:05.220' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60698, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question9c', N'P and G products ', N'P and G products ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:33:05.237' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60699, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question10', N'1', N'Less than N200,000', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:33:55.363' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60700, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question11a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:34:05.143' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60701, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question11d', N'1', N'Yes', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:34:27.237' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60702, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question11e_8', N'8', N'Government policies ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:34:57.533' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60703, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question12a', N'1', N'Considering increasing', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:35:31.627' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60704, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question12b', N'Because there is no more space to contain goods', N'Because there is no more space to contain goods', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:35:31.627' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60706, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question13', N'2', N'Between N501,000 to N2Million', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:37:17.923' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60707, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question14', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:37:17.923' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60708, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question14', N'4', N'P & G products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:37:17.923' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60709, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question14', N'6', N'Coca-Cola Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:37:17.923' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60710, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question14', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:37:17.940' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60711, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question15a', N'1', N'Yes', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:37:17.940' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60712, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question15b', N'Coco pops, cadbury 3in 1 chocolate ', N'Coco pops, cadbury 3in 1 chocolate ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:38:14.707' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60713, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question15c', N'1', N'Customers ask for it/it is moving now', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:38:14.707' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60714, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question15d', N'1', N'Yes', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:38:14.707' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60715, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question16a', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:39:31.643' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60716, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question16a', N'3', N'Friesland (Peak) Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:39:31.643' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60717, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question16a', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:39:31.643' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60718, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question16b', N'4', N'P & G products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:39:31.643' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60719, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question16c', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:39:31.660' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60720, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question16c', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:39:31.660' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60721, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question17', N'6', N'Other family member', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:40:15.423' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60722, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question18', N'1', N'Between 2 to 5 staff', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:40:15.423' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60723, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question19', N'3', N'No plan to increase or reduce staff', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:40:15.423' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60724, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question22a', N'1', N'Yes, we have theft issue', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:40:35.283' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60725, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question22b', N'6', N'I added more protectors to the shop so they won’t be able to gain access', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:41:03.033' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60726, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question23a', N'1', N'Yes', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:41:20.423' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60728, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question23b', N'Tailor and boutique ', N'Tailor and boutique ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:41:46.893' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60729, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question24a', N'1', N'Morning (7am -10am)', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:43:17.783' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60730, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question24a', N'7', N'At Night (After 8pm)', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:43:17.783' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60731, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question24b', N'1', N'Monday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:43:17.783' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60732, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question24b', N'2', N'Tuesday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:43:17.783' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60733, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question24b', N'3', N'Wednesday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:43:17.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60734, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question24b', N'4', N'Thursday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:43:17.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60735, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question24b', N'5', N'Friday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:43:17.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60736, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question24b', N'6', N'Saturday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:43:17.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60737, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question24b', N'7', N'Sunday', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:43:17.817' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60738, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question24c', N'5', N'Any week of the month', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:43:17.817' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60739, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question25', N'5', N'Between 200 – 400', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:43:17.817' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60743, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question26', N'2', N'We are on rent', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:44:05.237' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60744, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question27', N'2', N' We will increase the number of our stores/more locations', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:44:05.237' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60745, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question27', N'3', N'We will get a bigger space', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:44:05.237' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60746, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question28a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:44:36.783' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60747, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question29a', N'1', N'Yes', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:44:56.940' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60748, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question29b', N'Give out gifts like bucket and juice ', N'Give out gifts like bucket and juice ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:49:09.470' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60749, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question30', N'4', N'Products are available at all times/We have varieties of products for sale', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:49:09.487' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60750, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question30', N'5', N'The shop is located where people live', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:49:09.487' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60751, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question30', N'9', N'Our products are of good quality', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:49:09.487' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60752, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question31', N'6', N'Bad roads', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:49:09.487' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60753, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question32', N'5', N'Can’t say', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:49:09.503' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60758, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question33a', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:50:24.580' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60759, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question33a', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:50:24.580' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60760, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question33a', N'3', N'Friesland (Peak) Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:50:24.597' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60761, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question33a', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:50:24.597' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60762, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question33b', N'4', N'P & G products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:50:24.597' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60763, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question34', N'2', N'We give gifts at the end of the year', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:50:24.597' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60778, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question35a', N'6', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:53:33.767' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60779, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question35b', N'6', N'None', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:53:33.767' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60780, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question35c', N'5', N'Buy one get one free', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:53:33.783' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60788, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question35d', N'Price reduction of products ', N'Price reduction of products ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:55:31.627' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60789, N'08036094081 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 8:22:21 PM', N'Question36', N'5', N'Run good loyalty programs with us', CAST(N'2018-07-26T20:55:31.627' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60880, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'InterviewerName', N'Ruth Olajide', N'Ruth Olajide', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:23.377' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60881, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'RetailerName', N'Sani danjumai', N'Sani danjumai', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:23.377' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60882, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'StoreName', N'Sani danjumai provision shop', N'Sani danjumai provision shop', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:23.393' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60883, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Address', N'No 64E ado bayero road,singer market', N'No 64E ado bayero road,singer market', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:23.410' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60884, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Phone', N'09076733427', N'09076733427', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:23.410' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60885, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Email', N'Nil', N'Nil', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:23.410' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60886, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Gender', N'1', N'Male', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:23.410' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60887, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'MaritalStatus', N'1', N'Married', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:23.410' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60888, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Location', N'7', N'Kano', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:23.423' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60889, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Wholesale', N'1', N'WholeSale', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:23.423' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60893, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question1', N'3', N'3yrs – 4 yrs.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:57.987' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60894, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question2', N'3', N'3yrs – 4 yrs.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:57.987' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60895, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question3a', N'1', N'MD/Owner', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:57.987' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60896, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question3b', N'3', N'3yrs – 4 yrs.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:58.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60897, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question3c', N'2', N'Primary', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:06:58.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60904, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question4', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:07:40.910' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60905, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question4', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:07:40.923' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60906, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question4', N'3', N'Friesland (Peak) Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:07:40.923' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60907, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question4', N'7', N'PZ products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:07:40.923' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60908, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question4', N'8', N'Cowbell/Promasidor', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:07:40.923' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60909, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question4', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:07:40.923' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60910, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question4', N'10', N'Unilever Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:07:40.940' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60911, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question5a', N'2', N'No, I am not registered.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:07:40.940' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60919, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question5c', N'7', N'I just started my line of business', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:09:02.317' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60935, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question6a', N'2', N'Direct from distributor', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:10:03.143' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60936, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question6b', N'I get products even before am out of goods ', N'I get products even before am out of goods ', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:10:03.143' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60937, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question6c', N'2', N'I calculate how much naira I will make', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:10:03.143' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60938, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question6d', N'1', N'I depend on the margins from the manufacturer', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:10:03.160' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60944, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question7a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:10:10.143' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60954, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question8a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:10:18.190' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60961, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question9a', N'7', N'Nothing', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:11:01.050' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60962, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question9b', N'None', N'None', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:11:01.050' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60963, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question9c', N'None', N'None', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:11:01.050' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60979, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question10', N'2', N'Between N200,001 – N500,000', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:11:30.097' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60981, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question11a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:11:35.660' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60985, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question11d', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:11:43.317' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60988, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question12a', N'1', N'Considering increasing', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:12:22.317' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60989, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question12b', N'Nothing', N'Nothing', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:12:22.317' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60990, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question13', N'5', N'Between N10 Million to N20 Million', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:13:06.753' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60991, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question14', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:13:06.753' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60992, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question14', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:13:06.767' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60993, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question14', N'3', N'Friesland (Peak) Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:13:06.767' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (60994, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question15a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:13:06.767' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61030, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16a', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.330' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61031, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16a', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.347' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61032, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16a', N'3', N'Friesland (Peak) Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.347' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61033, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16a', N'7', N'PZ products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.347' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61034, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16a', N'8', N'Cowbell/Promasidor', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.363' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61035, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16a', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.363' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61036, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16a', N'10', N'Unilever Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.363' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61037, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16b', N'11', N'None', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.363' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61038, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16c', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.377' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61039, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16c', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.377' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61040, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16c', N'3', N'Friesland (Peak) Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.377' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61041, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16c', N'7', N'PZ products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.377' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61042, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16c', N'8', N'Cowbell/Promasidor', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.377' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61043, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16c', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.377' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61044, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question16c', N'10', N'Unilever Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:14:06.393' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61090, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question17', N'Sales boy', N'Other (Specify)', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:15:00.643' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61091, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question18', N'1', N'Between 2 to 5 staff', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:15:00.660' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61092, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question19', N'3', N'No plan to increase or reduce staff', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:15:00.707' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61093, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question22a', N'2', N'No, we don’t have', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:15:06.393' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61094, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question23a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:15:26.767' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61146, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question24a', N'8', N'Anytime of the day.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:15:53.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61147, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question24b', N'8', N'Any day of the week', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:15:53.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61148, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question24c', N'5', N'Any week of the month', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:15:53.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61149, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question25', N'4', N'Between 100 – 200', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:15:53.800' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61153, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question26', N'2', N'We are on rent', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:16:16.910' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61154, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question27', N'5', N'No plan for now. To maintain this outlet.', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:16:16.910' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61155, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question28a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:16:25.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61156, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question29a', N'2', N'No', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:16:39.753' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61159, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question33a', N'1', N'Cadbury Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:17:15.957' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61160, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question33a', N'2', N'Nestle Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:17:15.970' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61161, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question33a', N'3', N'Friesland (Peak) Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:17:15.970' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61162, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question33a', N'7', N'PZ products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:17:15.987' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61163, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question33a', N'9', N'Indomie', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:17:15.987' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61164, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question33a', N'10', N'Unilever Products', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:17:16.003' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61165, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question33b', N'11', N'None', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:17:16.017' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61166, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question34', N'1', N'Nothing', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:17:16.033' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61171, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question35a', N'6', N'Nothing', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:17:54.440' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61172, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question35b', N'6', N'Nothing', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:17:54.440' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61173, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question35c', N'6', N'Nothing', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:17:54.440' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61209, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question35d', N'There should give free gift after purchase of product', N'There should give free gift after purchase of product', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:19:39.377' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].SingleAnswers ([ID], [PhoneNumber], [QuestionName], [Answer], [AnswerValue], [QuestionDate]) VALUES (61210, N'09076733427 WholesaleSurvey7/26/2018 9:06:23 PM', N'Question36', N'6', N'Reducing their price of goods', CAST(N'2018-07-26T21:19:39.377' AS DateTime))
Thanks so much
August 10, 2018 at 7:27 pm
Thanks very much
Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
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