grouping by MDX

  • Hi, i am newbie on mdx query. so i need some help to make a simple mdx query.

    suppose that I have the following mdx code:

    WITH MEMBER [Measures].x AS


    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].ALLMEMBERS ,

    [Dim Costumer].[Age Group].&[0-14],



    SELECT x ON 0

    FROM [StoreDM]

    the result would be:

    x = 400

    but suppose that i want filter by store and date, now i made the following code:

    WITH MEMBER [Measures].x AS


    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].ALLMEMBERS ,

    [Dim Costumer].[Age Group].&[0-14],

    [Dim Store].[Cod].&[51],

    [Dim Date].[D].&[2010-07-21]



    SELECT x ON 0

    FROM [StoreDM]

    the result :

    x= 400.

    So I don't understand what's going on... why the result is same? why the this lines:

    [Dim Store].[Cod].&[51],

    [Dim Date].[D].&[2010-07-21]

    don't affect the final result.

    Can anyone please, help me here?

    Thanks in advance,


  • You could use the FILTER funtion to remove those that are <= 0. Here is an example that works in the Adventure Works sample cube:


    [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] on columns,

    FILTER([Promotion].[Promotion].children, [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]>15000) on rows

    FROM [Adventure Works]

    The result only contains Promotions with sales greater then 15000.

    Here is some pseudo code that should assist you in writing your query:


    [MEASURES].[Sales] on columns,




    ) on rows

    FROM [Your Cube]

    Hope this helps!

  • Thanks for your answer but your mdx code will return sum of sales... and i want count the number of costumers...

    A change my initial post because it wasn't well formulated to solve my problem! so i put my code... and results. if you can help i will appreciate it.



  • The Count() function simply counts the number of members in a set. If the addition of the new members to the tuple that defines your set doesn't narrow down your set, then the count will be unchanged. This depends as much on the data, measure groups, and attribute relationships in your cube as it does on the query.

    The best approach here would be to set up a simple Count measure, and then use the members as part of the Where clause. This would be more effiecient, and result in a simpler query:


    [DMCount] ON 0

    FROM [StoreDM]



    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].ALLMEMBERS ,

    [Dim Costumer].[Age Group].&[0-14],

    [Dim Store].[Cod].&[51],

    [Dim Date].[D].&[2010-07-21]


  • If you already have a count measure, usually defined by the cube design wizard in the form "<<MeasureGroupName>> Count",


    select [Measures].[MeasureGroupName Count] on 0,

    FILTER([dimCustomer].[Age].Children, [Measures].[Sales]<>0) on 1

    from <<YourCubeNameHere>>

    Will yield the count of all measuregroup rows, with non-zero sales, grouped by Customer Age (in dimension order).


  • thank you very much for your answer!! but can you explain me better your code? can you please explain me what do mean by [DMCount]?

    do you mean to this code:

    WITH MEMBER [Measures].DMCount AS


    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].ALLMEMBERS ,

    [Dim Costumer].[Age Group].&[0-14],

    [Dim Store].[Cod].&[51],

    [Dim Date].[D].&[2010-07-21]




    [DMCount] ON 0

    FROM [StoreDM]



    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].ALLMEMBERS ,

    [Dim Costumer].[Age Group].&[0-14],

    [Dim Store].[Cod].&[51],

    [Dim Date].[D].&[2010-07-21]


    i try-it and it didn't work... sorry!!



  • hi Barry Ralston,

    i try to use the measure count as you said... but this measure will count the number of sales of costumer and not number of coustumers.... you see?



  • Are you looking for something like this?


    SET FilteredSet AS filter (

    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].ALLMEMBERS,

    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].CurrentMember.Properties("Age Group") = ... and

    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].CurrentMember.Properties("Cod") = ... and

    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].CurrentMember.Properties("D") = ...


    MEMBER [Measures].[x] AS Count(FilteredSet)

    SELECT {[Measures].[x]} ON 0,

    FilteredSet ON 1

    FROM [StoreDM];

  • hi,

    i try your code as followed:

    SET FilteredSet AS filter (

    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].ALLMEMBERS,

    [Dim Costumer].[Age Group].CurrentMember.Properties("Age Group") = "0-14" and

    [Dim Store].[Store Cod].CurrentMember.Properties("Store Cod") = 4


    MEMBER [Measures].[x] AS Count(FilteredSet)

    SELECT {[Measures].[x]} ON 0,

    FilteredSet ON 1

    FROM [StoreDM]

    But always return empty values...


  • try the query below it should perform better the using the filter function


    SET FilteredSet AS count (

    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].ALLMEMBERS *

    [Dim Costumer].[Age Group].&[0-14] *

    [Dim Store].[Cod].&[51] *

    [Dim Date].[D].&[2010-07-21]


    MEMBER [Measures].[x] AS Count(FilteredSet)

    SELECT {[Measures].[x]} ON 0,

    FilteredSet ON 1

    FROM [StoreDM];

  • it return the following error:

    "the function expects a tuple set expression for the argument. A string or numeric expression was used"

  • sorry, it should have been


    SET FilteredSet AS

    [Dim Costumer].[Cod].ALLMEMBERS *

    [Dim Costumer].[Age Group].&[0-14] *

    [Dim Store].[Cod].&[51] *

    [Dim Date].[D].&[2010-07-21]

    MEMBER [Measures].[x] AS Count(FilteredSet)

    SELECT {[Measures].[x]} ON 0,

    FilteredSet ON 1

    FROM [StoreDM];

  • if you want to see what's going on you could please visit this link:

    the mdx code that you provide generate the result that i show on this picture.

    but it not what i expect to.


  • shouldn't SET FilteredSet AS count in the second line, be just a tuple to define the set? That is: Set FilteredSet as (Dimensions that define the set)

    In other words, if the problem is to count all customers of certain criteria Age, Code, Date, then the FilteredSet establishes the area of the cube containing the Customers of interest. Then a simple count(FiltereredSet) yields the number of those customers, correct?

  • Yes, I think I may have answered an outdated version of the question. Is the problem then:

    count of all customers to which a sale has been made, by age?

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