grouping by domain in referer table

  • I've got a lot of referer variables in my dbase and I'd like to have a query that groups them just by the domain. Everything up to the 3rd "/" should do it. So far, I'm using:

    SELECT COUNT(id) AS clicktotal, ref

    FROM clicklogs

    GROUP BY ref

    This only lists everything by the actual referring url. Is there a way to only have it group by the domain within the referring url? Thanks.

  • Sounds like you are going to have to do field parsing to determine the group by value.  I would research the PATINDEX or CHARINDEX and probably a couple of different functions that they will reference to get the 3 \ information to group by


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • --I don't know why I did this but I guess i feel a bit lethargic at work right now...

    --You can try something like this...

    --I don't expect anyone to decipher it though

    /********************* splitting the referrals into pieces **********************/

    set nocount on

    create table #clicklogs( ref varchar(255) )

    create table #doms( dom varchar(20) ) -- just for generating test data

    insert #doms select 'abcde' union select 'fg' union select 'hijklmopq' doms

    insert #clicklogs -- generate test data

    select top 200 d1.dom+'/sub'+d2.dom+'/subsub'+d3.dom+'/subsub'+d4.dom+'/subsubsub'+d5.dom

    from #doms d1 cross join #doms d2 cross join #doms d3 cross join #doms d4  cross join #doms d5

    order by newid()












     substring(lvl2.ref,1,charindex('/',lvl2.ref,len(lvl2.domlvl2)+1) ) as domlvl3





     substring(lvl1.ref,1,charindex('/',lvl1.ref,len(lvl1.domlvl1)+1) ) as domlvl2


    ( select ref, substring(ref,1,charindex('/',ref)) as domlvl1 from #clicklogs

    ) as lvl1

    ) as lvl2

    ) as splittable

    group by





    order by

     count(*) desc






    drop table #clicklogs

    drop table #doms

    set nocount off



    --You must unlearn what You have learnt.


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

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