Group is split to 2 pages

  • I have tablix1 where I group by ClientName and ProjectName.

    But sometimes the group is split into two pages.

    Is there any way to prevent splitting?

    Please, see the screen shot attached

    tablix1 "KeepTogether" setting will not help.

    I don't want all my data to be displayed on one page.

  • Check your page size and margins.

  • Page size and margins have nothing to do with it.

    I don't get a blank page in PDF problem or something like that.

    It's a different type of problem.

    Table fits perfectly on a page.

    The problem is group section inside of that table is split

    between pages.

    see the attachment.

  • RVO (9/10/2013)

    Page size and margins have nothing to do with it.

    I don't get a blank page in PDF problem or something like that.

    It's a different type of problem.

    Table fits perfectly on a page.

    The problem is group section inside of that table is split

    between pages.

    see the attachment.

    No attachment

  • Please refer to the connect entry listed below. It is still Active.


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