Group database roles into different permissions

  • I will like to seperate the  sp_dbfixedrolepermission into groups of dbfixedroles.

    Is there a straightfoward way(command) to do that?? I did put

    together a stored procedure but something tells me there is a

    better way

    TIA for your time


  • Hi Mike,

    What are you trying to do exactly?  If you mean "can we manipulate the individual permissions listed in sp_dbfixedrolepermission output and build our own roles using those permissions as building blocks" (something I've been asking MS for) they have told me that the answer is "no."  For example, even though 'dbcc shrinkfile' is listed as a permission in the sp_dbfixedrolepermission output, you cannot grant it to another role.

    If, on the other hand, you mean, "can we list only the permissions for a given fixed db role" then I suppose you know that you can pass in a fixed db role as a parameter, as in exec sp_dbfixedrolepermission db_ddladmin

    But somehow I bet I haven't understood what you want to do exactly.  It might help to post your stored procedure so we could see from there what you're trying to do.




  • Thanks a million for your reply...

    In oracle Break on would perform such a function, this will list

    all the different permissions  but can group them by fixed roles

    if you so ask

    Hope this makes my intentions clearer


  • No, there isn't anything really similar to that in SQL Server.  Of course, the BREAK statement is not an Oracle *server* command, but a SQL*Plus command.  It tells SQL*Plus to format the output a certain way, but does not change the query run against Oracle.

    In the SQL Server world, that kind of thing is usually left to a "real" report writing environment, like Crystal Reports, Reporting Services, Access, Business Objects, or whatever.

    It's nice that SQL*Plus has such a feature, but to emulate it in SQL Server might not be worth the effort.  I mean, you could do something like the following, but that would be a bit much, wouldn't it?

    set nocount on
    create table #perms (DbFixedRole sysname not null, Permission nvarchar(200) not null)
    insert into #perms exec sp_dbfixedrolepermission
    alter table #perms add PrimarySortCOde sysname null
    update #perms set PrimarySortCode = DbFixedRole
    alter table #perms add SecondarySortCode tinyint not null default 0
    insert into #perms select distinct DbFixedRole, '', '', 1 from #perms
    select DbFixedRole, Permission from #perms order by DbFixedRole, PrimarySortCode DESC, SecondarySortCode, Permission
    select * from #perms
    drop table #perms

    So I say, the best way to do this is probably to throw together a quick-and-dirty report in Access.  Or if this is the only query you need to do this for, you could just cut-and-paste into a word processor and format it the way you want it.  Alternatively, you could try to write a generic SP to do in a generic way what the code snippet above does for a specific query.

    Not the answer you were hoping for, probably, but it's about the best I can do for you. 



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