Group count depending on value??

  • I have a table;


    MDate date

    MarketID int

    MatchedSize real

    ProfitAndLoss real

    TransID int

    (& other fields not relevant to this query)

    File contains multiple entries per Month / day / market, each row erpresents one transaction that has a matched size and a profitandloss value.

    I have an existing query to generate my turnover per day;

    select sum(Matchedsize) as turnover, datepart(month, matcheddate) as myMonth,

    datepart(day, matcheddate) as myDay

    from mstbets

    group by datepart(month, matcheddate), datepart(day, matcheddate)

    having datepart(month, matcheddate)=1

    order by datepart(month, matcheddate), datepart(day, matcheddate)

    This works fine but I am trying to create a query to;

    Generate a count at month / day level for profitable and non profitable markets. For example;

    Month Day ProfitableCount NonProfitableCount

    3 4 6 3

    Indicating that on the 4th of March the total profit and loss on 6 markets was >0 and on 3 markets was <0.

    Any help would be greatly received. Is this really complex or I am being a wimp at not being able to master it??:w00t:

  • Hello,

    The code below is generic, but you could adapt it for your needs:-


    @MyTable Table (MyColumn Int)

    Insert @MyTable Values (100)

    Insert @MyTable Values (-100)

    Insert @MyTable Values (500)


    Sum(Case When MyColumn > 0 Then 1 Else 0 End) As GreaterThanZero,

    Sum(Case When MyColumn < 0 Then 1 Else 0 End) As LessThanZero




    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • Many thanks for such a prompt reply.

    This is where I start and feel really :blush: thick. I tried the above code and it works great, I am having trouble adapting to my scenario.

    The following query returns the results below;

    select CAST((sum(profitandloss)*1.00) AS decimal(8,2)) as pl, datepart(month, matcheddate) as myMonth,

    datepart(day, matcheddate) as myDay, marketid

    from mstbets

    group by datepart(month, matcheddate), datepart(day, matcheddate), marketid

    having datepart(month, matcheddate)=3

    order by datepart(month, matcheddate), datepart(day, matcheddate), marketid

    nb: the cast is to only show 2 decimal places

    pl myMonth myDay marketid

















    So I want to adapt the sql posted in reply to generate a result set that would show (for the above data)....

    myMonth myDay GreaterThanZero LessThanZero

    3 1 2 1

    3 2 6 2

    Again all replies appreciated as I must seem rather dim to most on here:hehe:

  • What about something like



    SUM(CASE WHEN PL.ProfitAndLoss > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS GreaterThanZero,

    SUM(CASE WHEN PL.ProfitAndLoss < 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS LessThanZero

    FROM(select sum(profitandloss) as ProfitAndLoss,

    datepart(month, matcheddate) as myMonth,

    datepart(day, matcheddate) as myDay, marketid

    from mstbets

    group by datepart(month, matcheddate), datepart(day, matcheddate), marketid

    having datepart(month, matcheddate)=3) AS PL

    GROUP BY PL.MyMonth,PL.MyDay

    ORDER BY PL.MyMonth,PL.MyDay

  • Brilliant:D

    Many thanks John & md, that works great and will save me a lot of time. Having examples like this is great for learning SQl for me.

    Have a great day guys, you have brightened mine up 🙂

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