Group by, Sum and condition

  • Hi,

    Here is my situation:

    create table #tblTempRetros(DateMonthEnd datetime, Stock int, Subscriber int, Amount int)

    insert into #tblTempRetros VALUES ('1/31/2005',  1,1, 15000)

    insert into #tblTempRetros VALUES ('1/31/2005',  1,2, 5000)

    insert into #tblTempRetros VALUES ('1/31/2005',  1,3, 5000)

    insert into #tblTempRetros VALUES ('2/28/2005',  1,1, 20000)

    insert into #tblTempRetros VALUES ('2/28/2005',  1,3, 20000)

    insert into #tblTempRetros VALUES ('2/28/2005',  1,2, 7000)

    insert into #tblTempRetros VALUES ('3/31/2005',  1,1, 15000)

    insert into #tblTempRetros VALUES ('3/31/2005',  1,2, 5000)

    insert into #tblTempRetros VALUES ('3/31/2005',  1,3, 9000)

    create table #tblTempSubscriber (Subscriber int, MinimumValue int)

    insert into #tblTempSubscriber VALUES (1,50000)

    insert into #tblTempSubscriber VALUES (2,20000)

    insert into #tblTempSubscriber VALUES (3,30000)

    SELECT     #tblTempRetros.Stock, CASE WHEN SUM(#tblTempRetros.Amount) >= MinimumValue THEN SUM(#tblTempRetros.Amount)

                          ELSE 0 END AS iMin

    FROM         #tblTempRetros INNER JOIN

                          #tblTempSubscriber ON #tblTempRetros.Subscriber = #tblTempSubscriber.Subscriber

    GROUP BY #tblTempSubscriber.MinimumValue, #tblTempRetros.Stock

    drop table #tblTempRetros

    drop table #tblTempSubscriber

    The result is

    1 0 

    1 34000 

    1 50000 

    I would like the result to be:

    1 54000

    This is a simplified version of the real situation but basically I want to have total for that stock where the sum for a subscriber is greater than a threshold. In the sample the 0 is for subscriber #2 whose total for this period is 17000 whereas the threshold is 20000


  • In your example, how do you figure the result should b

    1 5400 ?

    in your query you should modify it to be

    SELECT     #tblTempRetros.Stock, #tblTempSubscriber.MinimumValue, sum(#tblTempRetros.Amount) AS iMin

    FROM         #tblTempRetros INNER JOIN

                          #tblTempSubscriber ON #tblTempRetros.Subscriber = #tblTempSubscriber.Subscriber

    GROUP BY #tblTempSubscriber.MinimumValue, #tblTempRetros.Stock

    having sum(#tblTempRetros.Amount) >= #tblTempSubscriber.MinimumValue

    using the having clause eliminates subscriber 2 because its sum is not greater or equal to minValue.

    But since you are grouping by MinValue you see 2 rows one for Subscriber 1, and 1 for subscriber 2 because of different minimum values.


  • It should be : 1 84 000  (the sum of 34000 + 50000)

    The query you have is giving me:

    1 34000

    1 50000




  • Okay,

    So you want to aggregate by the stock id.

    but how do you want to calculate by the minimum amount which is a subscriber level attribute.

    the previous query returned

    1 34000

    1 50000

    because the group by included #tblTempSubscriber.MinimumValue which is by subscriber.

    -- If you run

    SELECT     #tblTempRetros.stock, sum(amount) as sumamount, minimumValue

    FROM         #tblTempRetros INNER JOIN

                          #tblTempSubscriber ON #tblTempRetros.Subscriber = #tblTempSubscriber.Subscriber

    group by #tblTempRetros.Subscriber,minimumValue, #tblTempRetros.stock

    You get

    stock  Subscriber    amount     minimumValue

    1      1             50000      50000

    1      2             17000      20000

    1      3             34000      30000

    so the value for subscriber 2 should not be included in the result.

    So take that query add the having clause and use it as a derived table.

    select dt.stock, sum(dt.sumamount)

    from (SELECT      #tblTempRetros.stock, sum(amount) as sumamount, minimumValue

          FROM        #tblTempRetros

          INNER JOIN  #tblTempSubscriber ON #tblTempRetros.Subscriber = #tblTempSubscriber.Subscriber

          group by #tblTempRetros.Subscriber,minimumValue, #tblTempRetros.stock

          having sum(#tblTempRetros.Amount) >= #tblTempSubscriber.MinimumValue

         ) as dt

    group by dt.stock

    stock    amount

    1        84000



  • Working fine, thanks Ray


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