Group By in an Update Subquery

  • Is it possible to have a group by clause in the subquery of an update statement? I'm trying to do the following, and I'm not having any luck so far. Help would be appreciated.

    UPDATE @ReportFields

    SET EarliestNextVisitDate = b.EarliestDate

    FROM (SELECT ContactID, MIN(NextVisitDate) AS EarliestDate FROM @ReportFields GROUP BY ContactID) b

    WHERE ContactID = b.ContactID

    @ReportFields is a table with several rows for each ContactID. I want to take the minimum value of NextVisitDate (for each ContactID) and plug it into the EarliestNextVisitDate for each row (with a matching ContactID). Does that make sense?

  • I think either of these will queries will work. Had you posted some sample data as outlined in the first link in my signature I would have tested the queries as well.

    UPDATE @ReportFields

    SET EarliestNextVisitDate = b.EarliestDate


    @ReportFields RF JOIN



    MIN(NextVisitDate) AS EarliestDate




    ContactID) b ON

    RF.ContactID = b.ContactID


    SET EarliestNextVisitDate = (SELECT MIN(b.NextVisitDate) FROM @ReportFields b WHERE RF.ContactID = b.ContactID GROUP BY b.ContactID)


    @ReportFields RF

  • That worked perfectly. Thanks!

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