Great Service – All About Attitude

  • Craig, I think as a DBA (or network guy or similar roles) we have to define our own customers, which aren't necessarily the same ones that our employer serves. We're not much different than the lower power company - we expect to have power, we rarely call the power company, and if something breaks, we want it fixed right now! A lineman for the power company has the same challenges we do in many ways. Years ago I had to have the meter replaced at my home and they sent a team from the power company to do their part of it and they were professional and pleasant. Not a negative I could say about them. The one item in years when I had to interact with them they got it right.

  • Whether they know it or not, every network / tech support / helpdesk person is in customer service, although it's correct that in the high-tech realm sometimes you have to stop and think about your job and who depends on you to do it in order to define what your customer base is.

    After many years in network tech support, the approach I take is that my network users are my customers, and treat them accordingly. In fact, my personal branding (it's on my business cards) is "Computer Network Management Based on Customer Service."

    Through two periods of uneployment, I've found that having a customer service mentality makes me stand out from the crowds of IT job seekers pumping out resumes everywhere. It's probably a big part of why I'm employed again after having been off for nearly 15 months following a layoff.

  • Geoffrey Wrigg (9/28/2010)

    Whether they know it or not, every network / tech support / helpdesk person is in customer service, although it's correct that in the high-tech realm sometimes you have to stop and think about your job and who depends on you to do it in order to define what your customer base is.

    After many years in network tech support, the approach I take is that my network users are my customers, and treat them accordingly. In fact, my personal branding (it's on my business cards) is "Computer Network Management Based on Customer Service."

    Through two periods of uneployment, I've found that having a customer service mentality makes me stand out from the crowds of IT job seekers pumping out resumes everywhere. It's probably a big part of why I'm employed again after having been off for nearly 15 months following a layoff.

    I would add that most DBA's today are as well, whether they know it or not. 😀

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

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