November 29, 2007 at 11:57 am
I'm trying to grant SELECT on all tables/views from UserA to UserB.
Basically I want userB to be able to only SELECT UserA tables/views.
UserA has more than 600 tables/views, so I cannot do this via the Enterprise Manager.
What is the simplest way to do this via a script
November 29, 2007 at 3:20 pm
The following script will kick out a row for each table.
Set your query window to Results to Text, Execute this script
Copy results to clipboard,
then paste them into a new window and execute.
declare @UserB varchar(50)
set @UserB = 'UserB'
select 'grant select on ' + + ' to [' + @UserB + '] '
from sysobjects so
join sysusers su on su.uid = so.uid
where so.type in ('U')
and = 'UserA'
November 30, 2007 at 6:07 am
Thanks for the info.
One last question , once I grant the SELECT permission to userB
How does userB access userA tables without specifying the owner of the table ?
Right now when userB tries to access userA tables,
ex: "select * from allotment1" it indicates that the table is not found, but if you include the owner in front of the table then it works.
ex: "select * from userA.allotment1"
This is SQL Server 2000 so we cannot use synonyms.
November 30, 2007 at 9:57 am
Just because he has been given grant permissions does not mean he does not have to specify the table owner.
Its all part of the security chain.
UserA and UserB can both have a table called MyTable
so UserB must declare the Owner prior to the Table so it finds the correct Table.
Using the Owner.TableName Syntax is a best practice for any query you write. You should get in the habit of doing this
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