Grab OrderID

  • There a lot of OrderID within a big text file.

    The OrderID format is like below:(OrderID is 16 characters after ADR*XYZ*)

    (some other characters)ADR*XYZ*2015123456BH0001~(and some other characters)

    (some other characters)ADR*XYZ*2015113955AB0002~(and some other characters)

    There are a few characters like "~", "-" after OrderID and before "ADR*XYZ*"

    How to code to read only 16 characters after "ADR*XYZ*" and insert them into a table?

    File is something like below. OrderID are located anywhere in the file.


  • Does the pattern [ADR*XYZ*] always hold?

    If so, when you put this in a table, you can always use PATINDEX/CHARINDEX to find the beginning and offset to the beginning of your orderID with SUBSTRING.

    If the ~ is always at the end, you can start a second PATINDEX/CHARINDEX search after the place where you find the first one and use that to determine the end, hence, the length for your substring.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (5/12/2015)

    If the ~ is always at the end, you can start a second PATINDEX/CHARINDEX search after the place where you find the first one and use that to determine the end, hence, the length for your substring.

    Or use 16 if the length is fixed.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Is this what you're looking for?

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #temp


    CREATE TABLE #temp (

    BigNastyString VARCHAR(255)


    INSERT #temp (BigNastyString) VALUES

    ('some other characters)ADR*XYZ*2015123456BH0001~(and some other characters'),

    ('some other characters)ADR*XYZ*2015113955AB0002~(and some other characters'),

    ('O****MI*16659434~TRN*2*A257330~STC*~ADR*XYZ*2015123456BH0001~REF*BLT*831~DTP*472*RD8*20141216-20141216~HL*8*3*PT~NM1*QC*1*CRUZ*ILDEMARO****MI*ADR32624R01~TRN*2*A23~ADR*XYZ*2015113955AB0002~*A2:20*20150506*WQ* ')


    SUBSTRING(t.BigNastyString, PATINDEX('%ADR*XYZ*%', t.BigNastyString) +8, 16) AS OrderID


    #temp t







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