Got a tough SQL problem, involving bit arithmetic.

  • We've got a couple of tables which store things like a person's ethnic background. However, it stores this information as a bit value, that's bit-OR'ed and saved into a smallint column in these tables. (Unfortunately, the values stored in each table is different, but that's my problem.) I've worked on one program which displays data from one of the tables, and for the rest others have worked on them to display the data. For example, if the person identified themselves as having African American, Caucasian and Asian ethnic background, we would have saved 7 in that person's column. I'm making up a new tables (for each of these separate tables with the basic data) to try and help decode this. So the new table would look something like this:

    1 African American

    2 Caucasian

    4 Asian

    The problem I'm having is how do I run against the original table, with this new table that will decipher the information? For example, it would see the 7 stored in the original table, and using the previous listing it would return:

    African American and Caucasian and Asian

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • Hi Rod,

    I can visualize your question a bit, but can you please post some data and expected result in consumable format ?

    Like given in the link below?

    With 744 visits and 466 posts, i expected you would have done that.

  • I'm not visualizing it as well as ColdCoffee, I fear.

    Please post sample data and table structure along with desired results so we can better visualize.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • You should provide ddl and some test data to explain your problem in more consumable way (link at the bottom of my signature will help you).

    I'm not sure if that what you are asking for:

    ;with def



    select 1 as Code, 'African American' As Origin

    union select 2, 'Caucasian'

    union select 4, 'Asian'

    union select 8, 'Marsian'


    , tbl



    select 1 as id, 'Bob' as Name, 1 As SelectedOrigin

    union select 2, 'Peter' , 2

    union select 3, 'Mahmed' , 4

    union select 4, 'J.Bush' , 8

    union select 5, 'Saint Bob' , 3

    union select 6, 'Saint Bob Abu', 7

    union select 7, 'Bush Ibn Hattab', 15


    select t.Name

    ,stuff((select ' and ' + d.Origin

    from def d where d.Code = t.SelectedOrigin & d.Code for xml path('')),1,4,'') Origin

    from tbl t

    order by

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  • The DDL code that Eugene has produced illustrates what I'm talking about.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • Rod at work (4/12/2012)

    The DDL code that Eugene has produced illustrates what I'm talking about.

    Actually, after running the code, it looks like it does what you want.

  • Lynn, you're absolutely right, Eugene's code works perfectly. In fact, it's amazing. I love it! It's so elegant. I remember, not too long ago, a SQL Server Central daily newsletter that went out and described the STUFF function. I saved it as something I possibly could use, but didn't think any more about it.

    Eugene, I have to ask you about so of the code here. I'm not familiar with the XML keyword in SQL, and it looks like you're using XPath expressions, but there's no XML in this table. Why does this work?

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • "FOR XML PATH ('')" T-SQL relatively new feature is used to return the results in XML form.

    It does not need XML, it generates it!

    Try to run this:

    select d.Origin

    from (

    select 1 as Code, 'African American' As Origin

    union select 2, 'Caucasian'

    union select 4, 'Asian'

    union select 8, 'Marsian'

    ) d for xml path('Origin')

    You will see XML as a result.

    FOR XML PATH ('') construct is widely used to concatenate strings as I've done in my example.

    Empty string in PATH, makes T-SQL to not add Root XML tags.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • Thank you very much, Eugene, for that explanation.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

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