Good Settings of DB Maintenance Plan

  • Hi,

    I'm looking for a typical as well as an optimized settings for DB Maintenance Plan. I'd appreciate much If someone can point me out some good related articles.

    Recently, I pay special attention on 2 settings in the Maint. Plan: Data Optimization Plan & Database Integrity Check

    Under Data Optimization Tab there're couple of choices should be made ie Reorganize Data & Pages, Update Statistic & Remove unused space. the first two is mutually exclusive. However, I couldn't justify myself which choices should be chosen and what's the value for particular criteria (such as free space per page percentage)

    I'd appreciate much on any suggestions.

    Thanks in advance



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  • I tend to check the following:

    Change to 10% free space for those that aren't heavy transactional ones. More like 30-40 for larger trans loads.

    I remove space, shrink down to 10% growth (I have auto grow set to 10%)


  • I tend to put each user database into a separate maintenance plan.

    On small to medium databases I tend to enable the "Reorganise data and index pages", where as on larger ones I tend to not to preferring to have a specific maintenance plan to do this.

    On small to medium databases I tend to enable "reorganise pages with original amount of space.

    On larger ones I use the "Change free space per page".

    I have my own stored procedure to update statistics.  This, and all my other utility stored procedures I put in the MODEL database so every new database inherrits them.

    Remove unused space from files is an option I put in a specific maintenance plan.

    I check the data integrity box on all maintenance plans but don't check the "attempt to repair minor problems".  I'm not sure what it would do to the database so I would sooner find there is a problem then try to correct it myself.

    I always have these checks performed prior to the backup.

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