Good client for Analysis Service

  • Hi to all,

    I'm searching for a client component (like an OCX or .NET component) that simply browse a cube or virtual cube and support multi selection in filter. Like Pivot Table of Office Web Component 10 so. Any idea ?

    Thank's in advance,


    "...e il mio maestro mi insegnò com'è difficile trovare l'alba dentro l'imbrunire" F.Battiato - Prospettiva Nevsky

  • [Warning! Warning! Shameless Plug Ahead!]

    Hi Marco,

    We have produced a Microsoft Analysis Services anlaytical & reporting application. It's a .Net web application, yet to be sold into the US but with international interest from France, Canada and the UK. We have several clients here in Australia. If you want to take a look, head over to and log in for a look. Apologies, no sample reports in there as yet, but they're on their way.

    New functionality due in v4.0.3 (2nd May this year) includes drill through, support for SAP BW (v3.0+) via XMLA and additional chart types (in particular, dual axis for doing say Volume Vs Price analysis).

    As yet, I've not put together the US pricing, but the exchange rate what it is, I'm sure it will be a favourable option for US buyers.

    Lastly, we are looking to separate certain objects within our application to produce stand-alone .Net Custom Controls, so we may be able to provide you with a control sometime in the near future.



  • Hi Steve,

    I appreciated your product, and personally I think this one of best product that run on browser, without any ocx or dll installed on client. That's Wonderful idea, although I don't think that I can use them because I'm developing an OLAP application as a part of an ERP product that's all developed in win32, and my company actually don't consider the browser as a part of his ERP.

    Although I want to post a question, is your product able to correctly calculate a distinct measure when multiple elements are selected in filter ?


    I'm write form Italy, not Usa

    "...e il mio maestro mi insegnò com'è difficile trovare l'alba dentro l'imbrunire" F.Battiato - Prospettiva Nevsky

  • Hi Marco,

    Apologies for the mix up in locations. Thanks for your comments on our product, very much appreciated.

    Regarding Distinct Counts, in our calculated measures (in reports Versus in cubes) we don't allow for the creation of distinct count measures, but when using a distinct count from within a cube, having multiple filters does indeed work (as long as AS is doing it's job correctly!).

    Based on what you've said about your requirements, maybe an excel plugin is the way to go. Is there a reason (other than client licencing) that your comapny doesn't want to use OWC?



  • Steve,

    I checked your Product too. Sounds interesting. When are you planning to sell this in US?

    My question is also similar to marco's. We tried to use pivot table but everytime we add a measure and click on details, looks like it calcuates everything again and it's a big performance issue. Is there any settings needs to be apply on Pivot table side or OLAP side?


  • Hi Hirek,

    We're hoping to sell into the US shortly, we're just working through the logistics.

    Not quite sure I'm following your question. Are you having performance issues on the client side (Excel/OWC) when doing analysis (e.g. swapping in/out dimensions and measures, drilling, filtering etc)?



  • Yes, Steve. Our issues are mainly on client side. We use Pivot table and then use HTML page to display information from that cube. And we we click on dimensions, it takes relly long time to come. More than it should be. Couldn't figure it out.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Try Proclarity.

    Its got this great decompostion tree and writes the MDX for you.

    Reports can be canned into self running "briefing books".

  • Try Thinslicer, got it for free with MS OLAP course.

    Contact Richard Lees at Microsoft NZ.

    Do a search on web maybe still available.

  • I heard Richard has moved to the West Island and is now living in Syndey (Aus)?



  • Further to last post, Richards thinslicer is at .

    And just a generally useful site is Mosha Posumansky's (one of the MSft AS/Yukon AS guys), has some interesting links ->



  • Thanks.Poclarity might be good but it seems expensive. 60K for std. edition. We need something free( who doesn't:))that's why we are using Pivot table and html pages. But I just couldn't figure out if that's just us- that pivot table is taking long time to get the data(it seems like it's calculating everytime you click on something) or that's just the way pivot table works?

    Thanks for your help.

  • The amount of time it takes for the OWC Pivot Control to display data depends to an extent on your cube aggregation design. If you are selecting dimensions (and measures) which are pre-aggregated, my experience has been that the control displays data instantly. If you are selecting a combination of dimensions for which there are no pre-existing aggregations, then PTS and AS have to do the aggregate query calculations and - depending on the amount of data in the combination of dimensions/measures selected, as well as other factors (webserver, database server, connection speed, etc etc) - these queries can take a while to run. So, the short answer in my opinion is that you may very well be experiencing typical PTS/AS behaviour depending on the aggregation plan you set up when you processed your cube(s).



    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • From what I have seen of the ZapTech software, I can also vouch that it is really good.

    Another tool I also like is the Excel Integration software from MIS and their web front end for OLAP called onVision.

    Andrew Keenan

    Andrew Keenan
    Consultant, Business Intelligence
    Technology Services

  • Thanks Mike.

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