Good Book for SQL Developer

  • Whilst I use BOL alot, I often find it tells you what you can do but not how!

    When it does tell you, it's not always particularly clear.

  • For the basics:

    Practical SQL by Bowman


    The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL by Ken Henderson is always open on my desk.

    SQL For Smarties by Joe Celko

    Database Design is another issue. I spend my days working on the developer's or my queries and stored procedures, maintaining the database, and the general application DBA duties. I do not usually build new databases; although I would be very happy to do so, if requested.

    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • PBirch,

    Thanks. I did not read those 2 books marked by you as advanced, I read "Inside Microsoft SQL Server...", BOL and MSDN articls. I will take a look at those books myself and will forward the titles to my friend who asked this question of me. I also like your expression "Application DBA", who thinking of it, I probably am. 



    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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