Going from SQL Server 7 SP2 to SP3... any gotchas?

  • I will be upgrading our database server from SQL Server Service Pack 2 to Sercice Pack 3 to address some deadlock bugs / issues that where fixed in SP3.

    Any gotchas that you have run into? From the documentation is sounds straight forward.

    I'll be doing the upgrade first in a few isolated areas to get the kinks out and do regression testing before upgrading our *production* database server.

    Our plans are to get to SQL Server 2000 by Q2 of 2002, but need the service pack fix now.


    - Brendan

  • No problems noted here. Make sure that you do the backups as requested and you should be all set if something goes awry.

    The nice thing about going to SP3 is that you can now switch EM on the Client machines to SQL Server 2000 and get used to some of the changes there. Obviously you won't get all the functionality but, there are some new features with DTS that are supported with SP3 on 7.0.

    Have fun!




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • I had no issues when I applied it.


  • DavidB -

    Pardon my ignorance, but what is "EM on the Client machines to SQL Server 2000"?

    Thanks for your earlier reply.


  • Enterprise Manager. Using the SQL Server 2000 Client Tools expands the tool set for DTS and the packages developed in the 2000 client tools will run against a 7.0 SP3 install on the server.

    Hope this helps.




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Its runs against all version of SQL 7, but you need to remember that if you save something like a DTS package from a higher version of EM, you cannot view it from a lower version ie the server


  • Dough! That was way too obvious - Enterprise Manager. Thanks for answering that one.

    ONE GOTCHA that I ran into that applies to all SQL Server upgrades, etc. You can not upgrade using 'Terminal Server'. You must be at the console or go in through Net Meeting. There are a couple articles on this one. Once I got access to the console all went smooth as expected.

    Thanks for the help.


    - Brendan

  • Thanks for the update. Yes, terminal services causes some problems, becuase it is not the "console", but a virtual console that does not get all console messages.

    Steve Jones


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