Go Code

  • Gary Varga (11/14/2016)

    David.Poole (11/10/2016)


    Then there is the rule of 2s for assembling a team to address the problem

    • Two people upstream of the process you are going to change
    • Two people downstream of the process or thing you are going to change
    • Two people who enact the process you are going to change
    • Two people completely outside of the process


    Sorry, sounds very interesting but I could not get past this thought: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rule_of_Two/Legends.

    I'm envisaging the conversation where I accuse HR of beimg students of the dark side. Though the practice of assassinating ones superior seems to be standard practise

  • Gary Varga (11/14/2016)

    Eric M Russell (11/11/2016)

    ...My belief is that IoT (at least at the consumer product level), Big Data (with the exception of big science applications like weather and genetics), and Social Media (with the exception of topical sites like SQLServerCentral) are for the most part passing fads.

    I predicting that dance music was just a fad, a housing price crash in the UK in 2001/2002 and many other things. Fortunately I am a better coder than predictor.

    IoT, BigData, and SocialMedia will always be with us. It's just that at some point the Gee-Wizz hype will wear off and we'll start inventing more practical applications for it beyond trivial pursuits like internet enabled toilets, petabyte sized archives Ad clicks, and bored teens swapping selfies. Eventually someone will turn this stuff into a truly great invention that delivers something beyond entertainment value or marketing revenue, something that instead elevates mankind like the 21st century version of the light bulb. Right now it just seems like technology just for the sake of technology.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Eric M Russell (11/14/2016)

    Gary Varga (11/14/2016)

    Eric M Russell (11/11/2016)

    ...My belief is that IoT (at least at the consumer product level), Big Data (with the exception of big science applications like weather and genetics), and Social Media (with the exception of topical sites like SQLServerCentral) are for the most part passing fads.

    I predicting that dance music was just a fad, a housing price crash in the UK in 2001/2002 and many other things. Fortunately I am a better coder than predictor.

    IoT, BigData, and SocialMedia will always be with us. It's just that at some point the Gee-Wizz hype will wear off and we'll start inventing more practical applications for it beyond trivial pursuits like internet enabled toilets, petabyte sized archives Ad clicks, and bored teens swapping selfies. Eventually someone will turn this stuff into a truly great invention that delivers something beyond entertainment value or marketing revenue, something that instead elevates mankind like the 21st century version of the light bulb. Right now it just seems like technology just for the sake of technology.

    You say all that yet a few years ago my wife and I were around (very good) friends when the friend's wife asks me as the "expert of all things computing" (her phrase not my belief) how to make money on the Internet. I said that there was "only one guaranteed way". At this point her husband, who was cooking, started sniggering. He could tell what was coming. "What?" said both my wife and his. "Porn" I said. "Really?" said the two fourty somthing ladies in disbelief. "Not us. Like this?". I said that there appeared to be a market for pretty much everything and that the adult entertainment industry was one of the few to show a continual ability to monitise interest. I made it clear that I was not suggesting that I picked up the Handycam (which they knew anyway) but that is what sells. I believe that what I was saying is fundamentally correct whether or not we "approve".

    So no. I am not waiting for someone to come up with a product that "elevates mankind like the 21st century version of the light bulb". Not enough maturity, perhaps.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

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