Global variable

  • Hi All, i am trying to do following scenario to fetch the latest data when i execute the DTS package

    Source is DB2 and target is Oracle

    First i defined execute SQL task and fetching the max(load_date) from target table and store it in a variable called date1.

    select max(load_date) into date1 from target_table.

    Now in my Transform Data task properties i am using that variable on Source Query like this..

    select * from source_table where lod_date > date1

    But when i execute the DTS package, it ran successfully without any errors. Then i figured it, the variable i defined is local to that execute SQL task.

    Now, i defined a Global variable and i am trying to assign the same values that come from the following query.

    select max(load_date) into date1 from target_table.

    like this

    dim max_date

    set DTSGlobalVariables("date1").Value = max_date

    set max_date = 'select max(load_date) into date1 from target_table'

    Main = DTSTaskExecResults_Success


    But my problem is i am getting systax error while set the max_date value through the SQL.

    It would be great if someone can help to resolve this issue?

    Thanks in Advance


  • Hi all, i resoveld this issue..I did following steps

    i wrote a select statement in my execute SQL task to select the max date

    and assign that to output variable.

    And i called that output variable in data transform Task.

    I thought this might be helpful if someone read this post.

    Thanks a lot everyone..

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