Global Temp Metadata

  • In SQL 2005.

    I have a global temp table ##data. It is created dynamically and the column list is also dynamic.

    I need to pass this table name to a stored proc and then retrieve the column list in that stored proc. Because of legacy coding issues, I would prefer not to pass the column list as a parameter. The information_schema.columns view contains all the of the columns for the regular tables in the database. Is there a similar listing of the columns for global temp tables that I can query?

    Thanks in advance

  • Just look in the TempDB database:

    CREATE TABLE ##tmpMyTable (FieldA INT, FieldB VARCHAR(10))

    SELECT * FROM TempDB.Information_Schema.Columns WHERE Table_Name = '##tmpMyTable'

  • TYVM! :w00t:

    I had found references to tmpDB and the temp database but neither of those seemed to work.

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