Global datawarehouse - I don't want to duplicate

  • Hello, my company has business in many countries, each of them have their own BI system, now, I want to setup a global BI system in our headquarter.

    eg. to setup a global Sales cube, it should contain both the information of Country A and Country B Sales cubes.

    Of course, I can duplicate another set of information from both countries and then create a new cube : Global Sales cube.

    Other than it, are there any efficient or smart methods to handle my case ?

  • Hi..

    If you have Conformed Dimensions among your Cubes (Country A & COuntry B), you may want to investigate how to structure a Virtual Cube (ie. Also known as a "join" of Cube A & Cube B).

    I am not full conversant with MS SQL Server, but have seen and followed the above strategy in similar instances.


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