giving a user the ability to add logins and users to a database

  •  need to give a user the ability to create logins and

    then add that login to a database.  Is it possible to do

    this without granting System Administrator Role?  I cannot

    seem to do this any other way then giving the user

    sysadmin.  Any help would be greatly apperciated.



    I have given the Login to the securityadmin fixed server role and to the

    db_accessadmin fixed database role.

    It is not working.


    This is testing my ability as a DBA..pls respond as soon as you can.




  • What do you mean by its not working?

    error message?


    Thanks for the quick reply and I am getting the following error.


    Server: Msg 15247, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_adduser, Line 35

    User does not have permission to perform this action.

    Server: Msg 15410, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_addrolemember, Line 66

  • This is the script I am running.


    /* CREATE Power Faids Logins in DBs */

    DECLARE @username  nvarchar(128)

    DECLARE @return_status integer

    DECLARE @sql_stmt  varchar(256)

    DECLARE @u_password varchar(256)

    DECLARE @testdb1_access char(1)

    DECLARE @testdb2_access char(1)

    SET @username = 'TESTLOGN'

    SET @u_password = 'ev!96kr'

    SET @testdb1_access = 'Y'

    SET @testdb2_access = 'N'

    --    Check If Username Exist

    USE master

    IF @Username =

     (SELECT name

      FROM sysxlogins

      WHERE name = @username)


        PRINT ' ** User Name "' + @username + '" Already In use, Please use a different User Name ** '



       --   Check and Drop the user in all databases

    Use testdb1


    IF @username = (SELECT name FROM sysusers WHERE name = @username)


         SET @sql_stmt = 'sp_dropuser @name_in_db ="' +  @username + '"'

         --PRINT @sql_stmt

         EXECUTE (@sql_stmt)

           PRINT 'Dropped User "' + @username + '" in testdb1'


    Use testdb2

    IF @username = (SELECT name FROM sysusers WHERE name = @username)


         SET @sql_stmt = 'sp_dropuser @name_in_db ="' +  @username + '"'

         --PRINT @sql_stmt

         EXECUTE (@sql_stmt)

           PRINT 'Dropped User "' + @username + '" in testdb2'


    --  Drop and recreate logins

         SET @sql_stmt = 'sp_droplogin @loginame = "' +  @username + '"'

         PRINT @sql_stmt

         EXECUTE  (@sql_stmt)     

    --   SET @sql_stmt = 'sp_addlogin @loginame= "' +  @username + '", @passwd = "' + @u_password + '"'

         SET @sql_stmt = 'sp_addlogin @defdb = "testdb1", @loginame = "' +  @username + '", @passwd = "' + @u_password + '"'

         PRINT @sql_stmt

         EXECUTE  (@sql_stmt)

         PRINT '    '


    --  Setup users for each database

        IF @testdb1_access = 'Y'


     Use testdb1

     SET @sql_stmt = 'sp_adduser @loginame="' +  @username + '",@name_in_db="' + @username + '"'

            --PRINT @sql_stmt

            EXECUTE  (@sql_stmt)


     SET @sql_stmt = 'sp_addrolemember @membername="' +  @username + '",@rolename="dba"'

            --PRINT @sql_stmt

            EXECUTE  (@sql_stmt)

            PRINT 'User Id "' + @username + '"Added to - testdb1 DB'

            PRINT '      '


        IF @testdb2_access = 'Y'


     Use testdb2

     SET @sql_stmt = 'sp_adduser @loginame="' +  @username + '",@name_in_db="' + @username + '"'

            --PRINT @sql_stmt

            EXECUTE  (@sql_stmt)


     SET @sql_stmt = 'sp_addrolemember @membername="' +  @username + '",@rolename="dba"'

            --PRINT @sql_stmt

            EXECUTE  (@sql_stmt)

            PRINT 'User Id "' + @username + '"Added to - testdb2 DB'

            PRINT '      '




  • Instead of sp_addUser, Use sp_Grantdbaccess (sp_adduser is old)

    for the user to do this he must be a member of the SecurityAdminisrators role, which you have. But also a member of the db_accessAdmin fixed database role in each database the user is allowd to give users access to.

    But to use the sp_addrolemember

    Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role and the db_owner fixed database role can execute sp_addrolemember to add a member to fixed database roles. Role owners can execute sp_addrolemember to add a member to any SQL Server role they own. Members of the db_securityadmin fixed database role can add users to any user-defined role.

    I tested your script out using pubs and northwind and it works to grant access but no sp_addrolemember unless I make my user dbo.


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