Give users ability to export data

  • Hi All,

    I have a stored proc(which takes one parameter) which output a result set. I have been manually outputting the data to a csv file as the file is not to contain the column headings....and since only I have query analyzer, only I can perform this.

    Question is how can I give my users the ability to do this without giving them query analyzer? I tried playing around with MSSQL reporting services, but the heading is always output in the csv file.

    I posted the article in this forum because its about data transformation...and not because Im looking for a DTS solution, but if there is one....or any other that you can think of...please let me know.




  • Terry,

    Can you give your users a web application that will execute the stored procecure? 

    Exporting to a csv file without column headings is easy in DTS, but then you have to provide a way for the users to execute the DTS package.  We've used a method where the users's app writes to a table which is read by a scheduled job.  If the data in the table indicates the need for an export, the job executes a DTS package that does the export.



  • Check books on line for OSQL.

    Gives the ability to produce a text file from a command prompt.

    You can throw a vb or web front end on to accomplaish easily.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • After much agonising.....I finally built a web app to extract the data which simply called the stored procedure then output the data to a text file using a stream writer. I went down the isql/osql/dts path initially, but the complexity of the stored procedure and the length of each record set ruled them out. Not bad for a first .Net application though!



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