"Ghost" column

  • Hi!

    Using my trusted login (it has sa privileges) I created new column (bit, allow NULLs) for a table.  After that only me can see it and only with EM, even after reconnecting to the server.  There is no any records for this column in syscolumns table.

    Wonder what had happen!?!




  • How is your application accessing this table, e.g. ODBC, etc.?

  • It is MS SQL2000 sp3.  I was using only EM.  So it is probably ODBC.

  • The only thing that I can think of is that the other users haven't refreshed their EM table lists, etc. since your change.

  • They did...  They even reopened EM, besides, there is no that column for the table in syscolumns table. 

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