Ghost Cleanup and CHECKPOINT after Migration to SQL 2008 R2

  • I am migrating a database from SQL 2005 to SQL 2008 R2. As soon as the database is restored over to the new server with SQL Server 2008 R2 enterprise, it starts Ghost Cleanup and CHECKPOINT process. It takes about an hour and disks are pegged, utilization is very high during this one hour. It doesn't even let me open database property and simple queries on this database takes forever or times out.

    New server has a much better and the best possible hardware. Database size is 600 GB. There were lot of data deleted on the old server few months back. LDF file is 1 GB when restore completes but then it starts going up as big as to 60 GB. When I run sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats on the database, it doesn't give me HUGE number of ghost_record_count as well. Out of 500 tables in the database only one table has 300 ghost record count and few other tables have 1 or 2. Is it deleting those records after migration? Is it because Ghost cleanup doesnt currently run on my SQL 2005 box?

    Any suggestions?

  • If you run DBCC LOGINFO('DatabaseNameHere') for the affected database how many records are returned?

    Each record is a Virtual Log File (VLF) a high number of VLF's would impact recovery time.


    I am the master of my fate:
    I am the captain of my soul.
    Twitter: @ckwmcgowan
  • When I run DBCC LOGINFO('DatabaseNameHere') on this database it returns 1700 records. I saw somewhere in error log that this database has over 1500 VLFs.

  • That will certainly impact recovery time, Below is a script that will create a script to update the initial log file size and the auto growth settings based on the knowledge of Kimberly L. Tripp. I would consider changing the file size and growth settings of the database before migration and this will reduce the time it takes to recover.


    Update initial log file size and auto growth settings

    This script is based on the knowledge of Kimberly L. Tripp (See Below Link)


    -- Set database context

    USE master;


    -- Drop temporary tables if they exist

    IF ( SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempDBLogSizeTable')


    DROP TABLE #tempDBLogSizeTable;


    IF ( SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempDriveSizeTableCLU')


    DROP TABLE #tempDriveSizeTableCLU;


    IF ( SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#stage')


    DROP TABLE #stage;


    -- Create temporary tables

    CREATE TABLE #tempDBLogSizeTable


    ServerName VARCHAR(50) ,

    DatabaseName VARCHAR(50) ,

    Name VARCHAR(128) ,

    [Filename] VARCHAR(260) ,

    Size_MB FLOAT ,

    UsedSpace_MB FLOAT ,

    FreeSpace_MB FLOAT ,

    Max_Size INT ,

    Current_AutoGrowth VARCHAR(20) ,

    Current_VLF_Count INT ,

    New_Initial_Size_MB INT ,

    New_AutoGrowth_MB INT ,

    New_Expected_VLF_Count INT ,

    [Type] VARCHAR(10) ,

    ID INT



    CREATE TABLE #tempDriveSizeTableCLU


    Drive VARCHAR(2) ,

    MBFree INT



    CREATE TABLE #stage


    FileID INT ,

    FileSize BIGINT ,

    StartOffset BIGINT ,

    FSeqNo BIGINT ,

    [Status] BIGINT ,

    Parity BIGINT ,

    CreateLSN NUMERIC(38)



    -- Insert file information

    INSERT INTO #tempDBLogSizeTable

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_msforeachdb '

    use ?;



    ''?'', AS [Name],

    s.physical_name AS [FileName],

    (s.size * CONVERT(float,8))/1024 AS [Size_MB],

    (CAST(FILEPROPERTY(, ''SpaceUsed'') AS float)* CONVERT(float,8))/1024 AS [UsedSpace_MB],

    ((s.size * CONVERT(float,8)) - (CAST(FILEPROPERTY(, ''SpaceUsed'') AS float)* CONVERT(float,8)))/1024 AS [FreeSpace_MB],

    (s.Max_Size * CONVERT(float,8))/1024 AS [Max_Size],

    case when is_percent_growth = 1 then cast(s.growth as varchar(20)) + ''%''

    when is_percent_growth = 0 then cast((s.growth * 8 )/ 1024 as varchar(20)) + ''MB''

    end Current_AutoGrowth,





    s.type as Type,

    s.file_id AS [ID]


    sys.master_files AS s

    WHERE s.database_id = db_id()


    [ID] ASC



    -- Update current VLF count

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb N'Use ?;

    Insert Into #stage

    Exec sp_executeSQL N''DBCC LogInfo(?)'';

    Update #tempDBLogSizeTable

    set current_vlf_count = (select Count(*) From #stage)

    where databasename = ''?''

    and type = 1;

    Truncate Table #stage;';


    -- Update new log sizes

    UPDATE #tempDBLogSizeTable

    SET New_Initial_Size_MB = CASE WHEN Size_MB <= 500 THEN 500

    WHEN Size_MB > 500

    AND Size_MB <= 2000 THEN 1000

    WHEN Size_MB > 2000

    AND Size_MB <= 4000 THEN 2000

    WHEN Size_MB > 4000 THEN 3000

    END ,

    New_AutoGrowth_MB = CASE WHEN Size_MB <= 500 THEN 200

    WHEN Size_MB > 500

    AND Size_MB <= 2000 THEN 2000

    WHEN Size_MB > 2000

    AND Size_MB <= 4000 THEN 3000

    WHEN Size_MB > 4000 THEN 8000


    WHERE [type] = 1;


    -- Update expected VLF count

    UPDATE #tempDBLogSizeTable

    SET New_Expected_VLF_Count = CASE WHEN New_Initial_Size_MB < 64 THEN 4

    WHEN New_Initial_Size_MB >= 64

    AND Size_MB < 1000 THEN 8

    WHEN New_Initial_Size_MB >= 1000 THEN 16


    + CASE WHEN New_Initial_Size_MB < Size_MB

    THEN ( CEILING(( Size_MB - New_Initial_Size_MB )

    / New_AutoGrowth_MB)

    * CASE WHEN New_AutoGrowth_MB < 64 THEN 4

    WHEN New_AutoGrowth_MB >= 64

    AND Size_MB < 1000 THEN 8

    WHEN New_AutoGrowth_MB >= 1000 THEN 16

    END )

    ELSE 0


    WHERE [type] = 1;


    -- Return database file info

    SELECT *

    FROM #tempDBLogSizeTable

    WHERE [type] = 1

    AND DatabaseName NOT IN ( 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'distribution',

    'reportserver', 'reportserver_tempdb' )

    AND name NOT LIKE '%2%'

    ORDER BY DatabaseName;


    -- Return SQL statement to update log sizes

    SELECT 'USE ' + DatabaseName + '; dbcc shrinkfile (''' + Name + ''','

    + CAST(( New_Initial_Size_MB - 100 ) AS VARCHAR(15)) + '); '

    + 'ALTER DATABASE [' + DatabaseName + '] MODIFY FILE (NAME = '''

    + Name + ''',SIZE = ' + CAST(New_Initial_Size_MB AS VARCHAR(15))

    + 'MB' + ', MAXSIZE = ' + CASE WHEN max_size = 0 THEN 'UNLIMITED '

    ELSE CAST(max_size AS VARCHAR(15))

    + 'MB'

    END + ', FILEGROWTH = '

    + CAST(New_AutoGrowth_MB AS VARCHAR(15)) + 'MB)' AS AlterDatabaseStatement

    FROM #tempDBLogSizeTable

    WHERE [type] = 1

    AND DatabaseName NOT IN ( 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'distribution',

    'reportserver', 'reportserver_tempdb' )

    AND name NOT LIKE '%2%'

    ORDER BY DatabaseName;



    I am the master of my fate:
    I am the captain of my soul.
    Twitter: @ckwmcgowan
  • This will help. Thanks.

    Do you know why GHOST clean up starts running right after migration to SQL 2008. I checked TRACESTATUS(611) on 2005 server and it is not disabled for sure. That means clean up is running on old server too. Right after clean up got over on new server after migration, performance came back to normal and when I ran dm_db_index_physical_stats, I can see less number of ghost_record_count too. Does this point there is some issue with the cleanup process on my current 2005 server and it kicks of as soon as database is gone to 2008 server and takes too much resources until it is over.

  • chris.mcgowan (4/18/2013)

    That will certainly impact recovery time, Below is a script that will create a script to update the initial log file size and the auto growth settings based on the knowledge of Kimberly L. Tripp. I would consider changing the file size and growth settings of the database before migration and this will reduce the time it takes to recover.


    That is an excellent script. Thanks very much for posting it here.

  • I imagine ghost cleanup is run when you migrate as some part of the recovery process trigger it. It may be worth posting the question on twitter using the #sqlhelp hashtag, someone will know the answer.


    I am the master of my fate:
    I am the captain of my soul.
    Twitter: @ckwmcgowan

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